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Ok! These two are characters that i legit took forever to name, and i just officially named them today after designing Pome's human disguise for when he's out in public and working in the non-magical dimension of my original setting where most of my non-D&D OCs exist. The 2nd and third pics are ones i drew and shared a couple months ago when i first designed Pome's race. 

Pome is part of an original non-human race called a Chlorocolony, and Calhoun (who some of you will recognize as my zodiac monkey boy) is half human, and half marsaph (a monkey race i also made up) with a special condition. If you want to see more of Cal, he's in my zodiac boy collection on pixiv!

I have all the information for them floating around in my discord server (i havent collated it, but its searchable using the Chlorocolony keywords), but here is what i have for those who dont want to deal with discord digging, but still want to read my inane rambling!:


(Upper left) <-- refers to text in 2nd image
-Race name: Chlorocolony (may not be final name)
-plant+ooze -made of many specialized lifrforms
-each organ = different creature
-unused nutrients stored as sap swell form
-no junk
-squish gel-like body
-soft, but can regen(erate) & hard to kill
-Race has no standardized form  
(upper right)
-Plant parts absorb sunlight+air (CO2 usually) & photosynthesize
-Body absorbs water & nutrients if ambient mana low
-teeth are generally creatures too
-"eyes" are multi-purpose sensor creatures  
(bottom left)
-symbiotic plans
-root system extends through body  
(bottom right)
-can expel extra sap thru various means (doesnt have to be tell.)
-Sap can be ingested by others for sustenance (convenient for mana burners) In the Mundane Plane, because there's so much ambient Mana, Chlorocolonies tend to overproduce their sap a lot, so they have to "empty" on a regular basis or just be explicably inflated.  And since monkey boy is a mana burner, the resident chlorocolony just unloads on him for mutual benefit.

In terms of reproduction, they reproduce via a kind of mitosis. Necessary creatures multiply, and plants make seeds which they separate off, and that cluster of life forms becomes a new Chlorocolony

So here's some Wavecrest High Lore! (wavecrest is the school my swimmer boy OCs go to)
The school, having dorms, has a philosophy for making sure  the students always have access to a good meal. All students meals are paid for in their tuitions, and the kitchen make quite the egregious amount of food. What isn't eaten at lunch is essentially available for the taking afterschool. Even non-students can partake, so its a bit of an open invitation for anyont that is hungry.  

It's this reason that the students developed the custom where they settled disputes via eating contests, as fighting comes with harsh punishments and they have enough food (most of the time) to participate in such bouts. 

Also some Calhoun Lore while im thinking about it.
Calhoun is hybrid creature from the magical dimension (human+marsaph) who lives in the mundane one due to his condition (a Mana Burner)  He went to wavecrest high, but never finished because his condition made him suffer too much from chronic fatigue. He found work for a few years in the cafeteria with Pome (they were classmates), since the arrangement worked out for him.  

A bit later, with this new arrangement (now appropriate given that both are adults), Pome helps Calhoun by keeping him well fed so he can finish his schooling. He's still a very laid back/lax individual cuz spending energy is generally not a good idea for him, but he's able to stay active enough to tend to his studies.




Pome's human form is to die for (that belly whew), plus the fact he has to off load is kinda hot ngl. I love the two of them and I hope we get to see more!


thanks! I've always been a fan of the concept where characters/creatures self-inflate via their own biological processes and have to Deal with It™ one way or another. I do want to draw these two again, but i gotta find some good ideas~


I love Pome!!!