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Here's my OC Sean! He's pretty popular amongst the people i talk to, despite me not drawing him very often. My current hypothesis: its cuz he got real fat and his current canon weight has him pretty big, at least relative to most my other OC's body types. :P (for reference, the first image is his starting weight, the 3rd is his current weight. his current weight is also in the wetsuit pic)

Also keep in mind to check out his tag! he's in a few other comics not in this collection. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/36288683/illustrations/sean

His stats!:

Name: Sean Ivanovich Alekseev
Gender: (Cis)Male
Age: 16
Birthday: July 19th
Race: Russian, Mongolian
Languages: English
Family: Parents (mother + father), Elder sister
Height: 5 foot 7 inches
Weight: 152 lbs, 205 lbs during summer arc

History: Like Titus, Sean was made for a interactive novel project. Originally, Sean's Path was James's path before i changed it to add a focus on the former boy in it. It was mostly gonna involve you helping James get through some body issues after putting on weight and having a classmate poke fun at him for it, and eventually getting him to the point of not worrying about it. The idea stemmed from a couple doodles i drew a LONG ass time ago.

I decided to switch that up and add a revenge plot after i redesigned the student who originally poked fun at James into what Sean is today. I also redeveloped Sean's personality so that he's the worst roommate. Like, eat the other person's food without permission worst room mate, amongst other things.

James, although riddled with anxiety, has a bit of vindictive/temperamental side, so he wants to get back at Sean for being a dick, so you as the player had the option to get Sean fat in a way that is, in essence ripped off THIS video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrdIZ_A0S9E&list

So by "conveniently" leaving food available to Sean, and due to Sean's lack of respect and lack of self control, he ends up getting pretty fat, and putting on upwards to 50 lbs. The game originally takes place over the span of 1 month (December), so it would've been less. But by summertime, he's gone from 152 lbs to a robust 205 lbs at his 5'7" height.

This would mostly be a success, but it backfires a bit because James is high key an ass man, and Sean is just too-hot for James to function by the end of it. And then you come to find that Sean doesnt care that he got fat. Like at all.

The dynamic between these two is that Sean is mostly just a source of endless frustration for James, sexual and otherwise. xD 




I see why he’s the most popular. I love his art!


Ugh I love him as much as Titus. His hair color is fantastic.


Mmm I want. To. Increase him.