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Apologies for the lateness! I'll hopefully have Harvey up in the next couple days. Monday at the latest.

Anyhoo! I still haven't seen thsi movie yet, but I hope you guys enjoy~



Ruddy Full

I saw it right when it first came out (before the social-distancing policies), and I thought it was a fun movie. It's not likely to become one of Pixar's greats, the plot is a rather familiar "road trip" movie in my opinion. But it manages to insert some surprising creativity and unexpected moments within the otherwise expected story beats. All in all, it's cute and entertaining which is why it's a pity it'll probably be a box office bomb. Even with the early release to streaming the impact on movies released in March was significant and it seems like it'll be unfairly regarded as a failure.

Ruddy Full

Despite that, your image is great. It does a nice job of capturing his personality. Great to see your work at this time.


Thanks! I'm glad you think so. I was basically working off what i see in other fanart and how he acted in the previews, so its good that worked out well enough. Sorry to hear about the movie tho. I guess it was just bad luck to be released at such a troubling time. i thought the setting was very interesting, though based on what you said, it might be similar to how The Good Dinosaur was basically a re-skin of a traditional story (which is certainly fine, but not always the most fascinating).