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If anyone is at a 15 dollar or higher reward tier, or planning on upgrading to one, please be sure to read these! If necessary, I will add any relevant information to this post, but I will also make an announcement for when it's updated too!

-In order for scheduling to be more fluid, patrons in a $15 dollar or higher tier are required to send in what they want for their reward within the first 14 days of the month, starting from the 1st of the month. By not doing so, they will not be getting their reward for the month, since 2 weeks is ample time to decide what you want from me as a doodle reward, not counting the entire previous month if you are continuing to hold the slot til next month. Chasing people down to hassle them about what they want is inconvenient, and a lot of extra work on my part, especially when there will be a possible 20 people's requests to keep track of! 

Please make sure you are able to plan around and make this deadline before deciding on occupying a slot.

-Reward doodles will either be done in Monochrome with tone and quick shading, or in flat color, patron's choice. I will generally assume most patrons want flat color, and i tend to draw subsequent month's requests based on the patron's previous request preference. Be sure to specify if you want to switch it up or want a specific set up!

-You are free to send in your request in any way you please (email, tumblr, deviantart, etc), but sending it through patreon is the best way for me to keep track of it, so I would prefer you send it as a message through here!

-Reward doodles are done monthly, usually scheduled during my weekly streams on Friday and occasionally on Saturday. Streams usually begin between 5 and 6pm PST, and go for 3-5 hours, depending on various factors.

-In terms of what you can request, most anything that you've seen me post on my blog is fair game, as are all the things i normally draw for the Patreon Events. However, some things may be out of my comfort zone or of things I no longer wish to draw, and I may ask that you request something else if that is the case!

-You are free to be as descriptive as you want in your request, however, it is not subject to the same commission privileges, for these are NOT commissions in the same sense of the word. They are reward doodles, meant to be thank yous for higher levels of support. You are not able to request changes after its completion and posting unless it was a mistake or misunderstanding on my part of your request. Requests/alterations while its in progress and if you are watching the stream are fine, but i'd prefer you have your mind made up before the fact. 

I also ask that you be clear and concise. Don't give me extra details if its not pertinent to the request at hand, since it just means i have to slog through the fluff to get the necessary details for the piece.

-Requesting of anything that would require extra time or work to the point that it would require a notable extra charge/fee if it were a commission is likely to be turned down, or simplified for the sake of time and work. (Includes things such as a background, or numerous detailed props. This is up for discussion and varies depending on many things, so if not sure, please ask!). Most requests are allotted upwards to 2 hours, pending on the figures drawn, and will generally not work on them longer than that for the price that i'm charging.


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