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We now have additional user-submitted personalities in the vamX Chat AI -> Personality Lists -> Submitted From Users area.


It would be really helpful to get more user submitted personalities, as these share diverse tastes, desires, and are often fine tuned.

Also, if you share your personalities then they will become easy-click buttons for you to click on in the Chat AI.

All submissions are anonymous, but submissions must be copyright free (CC0, original, not contain copyrighted characters), 18+, and you grant vamX a CC0 (public domain / free) license to all submissions.

You can send personalities you'd like to share to vamx@protonmail.com




Yes, we will add this feature but it's a bit complicated to add, so meanwhile we are offering this solution of having us post the personalities, which also allows people to use new personalities from other users, which might solve the "out of date" issue if people share.


For passthrough, just go one page back to the simple scenes. There are now two pages of passthrough scenes. The US server is used much more than the EU server, so it may slow down. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with deepgram. Are you using the 20B model? That one is now highly used and we are working on adding more servers, using that model could create delays if a few others are also trying to use it at the same time. I've found that accessing the EU servers from the US doesn't result in a significant delay, so I think you should just use them if they work better for you. It's just a matter of accessing whichever server is being used less at that time, which is generally the EU server.


We've just added some more user submitted personalities, but would love even more. Send your favorite for anonymous posting!