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We've migrated to new servers, and created a system that automatically switches through a series of vamX backup servers as necessary, and also automatically restarts crashed servers. The servers now seem stable, which frees us to start working on other improvements (see below).

You may have seen the ElevenLabs.io API key area. ElevenLabs allows you to synthensize your own voices (with voice samples) and has very good voice generation, but at a high cost per minute.

Integrating ElevenLabs has taken a while, including some back and forth with ElevenLabs support around paid vs free keys. It turns out that it's not possible to have many people use the same server with free API keys. Therefore, if you want to use ElevenLabs voices with the vamX Chat AI, you must buy an ElevenLabs API key. This only costs $1 for the first month (with a limited amount of output). On the other hand, 2 full hours of audio, costs $22 to generate, so it's impossible for us to cover the costs of ElevenLabs voices.

These changes don't require a new download, but if you haven't yet downloaded vamX AI Chat, please do so here:

In Development
More animations and scenes, for both AI and non-AI versions of vamX.

In Development for AI Only
Improving text returned for NSFW chat (improved conversations). This may involve adding a button to automatically summarize the current chat, so that she can continue long conversations in new directions (she tends to stick with her set personality). You can also improve this right now, if she ever seems to get stuck in the same dialog, by scrolling to the very top of the page, and updating her personality during the chat (once changed you can click the huge Updater Personality button next to the text box, or scroll back down and click Reset Chat to use only what you put in the Personality box).

Shorter delay from when you finish speaking till when she starts her reply.

More languages, hopefully including Chinese support.



one thing I would request are more changing random pose presets


Not sure if I understand. More sets of poses she automatically cycles through?


how to use api keys meaning is each login new key provided trying to understand the voice labs etc .. just looking for any tips.. thanks in advance


The only api key is the ElevenLabs.io api key. If you want additional or customized voices you can use a paid ElevenLabs.io account. You would need to go ElevenLabs.io, set up an account, and get your API key. Then put that into the vamX AI Chat window. Then new voices appear, based on whatever voices you have in your elevenlabs.io account (default voices plus any custom ones you make). If you have issues, let me know specifics.


Is there a way to download the audio files generated by the AI chat from within VaM?


Great update! Is there a similar method of saving the elevenlabs api key like the vamX_ai_chat_enter_your_password_here text file?