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There is now a drop down Full Responses / Short & Quick.

For better spoken dialog, choose Short & Quick responses.

This makes the speech response MUCH quicker (much less time between when you ask her a question and when she responds), and stops her from rambling on in many situations. I think in most situations the reply is actually better with Short & Quick, although this does/can cut off text, so if you like long responses, you can stick with the Full Responses option.

If you are using Short & Quick and want a longer response to a specific question, or feel like the response was cut off, you can ask her to tell you more, or switch the drop down back to Full Responses, then click Retry Last to hear a longer answer to your last question/prompt.

You don't need to download an update, this change was made on the server side.



I am having trouble getting the AI chat voice recognition to work when in VR. The triggers on the Quest controllers do not work (they just cause the VamX UI to show when released), but the right mouse click does. Obviously using the mouse while in VR is not practical, so hoping to figure out how to use the controllers. Which button / trigger specifically on the controllers activates voice recognition?


It'll be a couple of days until I'm near a Quest, so I'll need to return back to this. Has anyone gotten this to work on a Quest?


Does this AI work on the male? And if not are their any plans to do this?


What exactly are you looking for, a male AI or for the AI's to interact? Right now this AI only works on your partner, but you can change your female partner to be a male. That said we don't yet have a male voice option for the AI, but that should be ready quite soon.