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Animated dance, sex, and cool lighting effects from C&G Studios, in 7 vamX edited C&G Studios Scenes. These include 3 paid C&G Studios Scenes (with permission from C&G). Scenes depend only on vamX (so the extra file size is small) and often have different music, looks, cum effects, etc. These scenes are opened from the Virt-a-Mate scene browser not from vamX. Booty2lap (galactic lap-dance), Power (dance and sex), Hellbound Helloween (evil dance), Moments in Time (cowgirl sex), Gravity (abstract dance & masturbation), Late Nite (strip and lap-dance), and Sexy Show Dance 3 (upbeat club dance).

To integrate these C&G Studios scenes, we've improved vamX's ability to interact with any Virt-a-Mate scene (Add vamx). When loading a vamX pose for the first time in a custom scene, sex now starts automatically, and other animations which would interfere with the vamX pose and sex animation, stop automatically. Also correct switching or stoping custom scene background music now works in more complex custom scenes. If you subscribe to C&G Studios at patreon.com/cgstudio (or check the hub) you will have many more C&G Studios scenes that work well with vamX (including the original versions of the included scenes).

Added 7 ascorad looks (optimized by ascorad) to the last page of Female looks.

Added exclusive VL_13 Male Doctor and paid Female Nurse clothing (4 female and 9 male mix and match clothing items, including pants down states for male). The exclusive male doctor's clothing will be part of a Doctor's Office Story with full voice over coming in vamX 1.30.

Improved random look generation with added clothing presets, ascorad base looks, new hairstyles and more. vamX includes 14 new generated looks based on new content in the Female tab -> Load & Save -> Load vamX Looks -> 1.29 folder.

Now using the (better) Virt-a-Mate 1.22 built-in lip-sync for most female voices (if you use vamX with VaM 1.22).




The variety of things possible with this product is truly amazing! I've been using it for a while and keep discovering new things. Great job, VamX! Quick question: is it possible to completely hide the small "Show" button when the VamX UI is hidden - like it was before? The always visible button kind of breaks the immersion a little. I now try to remember to always open the UI behind me, so the button stays out of FOV.

vamx (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-03 01:03:11 The Show button always stayed visible, but in the past it could be placed behind an object. At some point (some version of vamX) the UI became always on top, so it didn't get stuck behind things, and at that point I guess the Show button became a little harder to hide. I'm not really sure what to do about it, as it's important to be able to click Show again. You could manually hide the button through the Virt-a-Mate menu -> Check Edit Mode -> Arrow icon to select objects in the Virt-a-Mate scene -> Check Show Hidden -> _GUI_IMAGE from the left list -> Control -> uncheck ON. This will really hide things until you undo that. Any other ideas?
2023-04-22 04:18:48 The Show button always stayed visible, but in the past it could be placed behind an object. At some point (some version of vamX) the UI became always on top, so it didn't get stuck behind things, and at that point I guess the Show button became a little harder to hide. I'm not really sure what to do about it, as it's important to be able to click Show again. You could manually hide the button through the Virt-a-Mate menu -> Check Edit Mode -> Arrow icon to select objects in the Virt-a-Mate scene -> Check Show Hidden -> _GUI_IMAGE from the left list -> Control -> uncheck ON. This will really hide things until you undo that. Any other ideas?

The Show button always stayed visible, but in the past it could be placed behind an object. At some point (some version of vamX) the UI became always on top, so it didn't get stuck behind things, and at that point I guess the Show button became a little harder to hide. I'm not really sure what to do about it, as it's important to be able to click Show again. You could manually hide the button through the Virt-a-Mate menu -> Check Edit Mode -> Arrow icon to select objects in the Virt-a-Mate scene -> Check Show Hidden -> _GUI_IMAGE from the left list -> Control -> uncheck ON. This will really hide things until you undo that. Any other ideas?


Thanks a lot for your detailed reply! I'll try this trick as you described. Also - just opening the VamX UI to the back or even to the side of FOV is OK. Thanks again for the great product!