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The latest vamX download post can always be found at https://www.patreon.com/vamx?filters[tag]=Download%20vamX

vamX.1.25 has been fixed. If you have any issues with vamX.1.25 not opening, and you downloaded it before December 11th, 2022, please download it again.

Scroll down to download the latest vamX 1.25.

CHANGES in vamX 1.25

Improved Sex Alignment.

Easily save and load custom looks with the vamX menu.
Under Female -> Load & Save Custom Looks (the first button) press Load Custom Look or Save Custom Look. This lets you easily load, save, search, rename and organize looks and makes it MUCH easier to move looks between scenes, or organize your looks as a beginner.

VL_13 clothes library!
58 new paid and free clothing items, plus 53 clothing presets (outfits)
from VL_13 have now been integrated into vamX. These clothes are extremely well made, flow nicely on the body, load quickly, respond well to touch, and take up very little space. This is only a tiny taste of VL_13's clothes, and VL_13 has the best clothes I've seen for Virt-a-Mate. For more excellent paid and free clothing check out VL_13's extensive clothing library at https://www.patreon.com/VL_13

Added a new Spanish speaking voice, Mariana by Pamper.

Added 4 new Male Voices, by Shay Ki, Leo Greystone and Filthy Markus, which can be used on the Male, or for gay or FUTA sex, on the "Female".

Eye Color and Pupil Shape menus in the improved Female -> Adjust Look and Build Fantasy Characters menu.

New "vamX Intro" scene for first time users. Also good for character customization and in-game help.

Improved Performance Options in the Plugins -> GiveMeFPS or Light -> FPS menus.

If this is your first time using vamX, start with the first tutorial as described in the download steps below.

Download and Run vamX

1) Download vamX.1.25.var (or from the GoFile.io mirror) - for Virt-a-Mate -

2) VAMX BASE HAS CHANGED. Download vamX.Base.1.var again (or from Mega), even if you already have it. It's changed, but it has the same file name. Download this again!

You need both the new vamX.1.25.var and vamX.Base.1.var!

If you are trying to update the Steam version (no longer for sale), see these simple instructions.

3) Optionally (not required) download the AddonPackages. Users of vamX.1.24 don't need to download these again.

4) Put var packages in your Virt-a-Mate/AddonPackages folder. Don't rename or extract .var package files. If you have previous versions of vamX, you can delete them. Previous versions are only useful if you created and saved scenes with those versions of vamX. If you don't have Virt-a-Mate or a Virt-a-Mate key, learn more here.

5) Open Virt-a-Mate, click the Scene Browser, then find and open the vamX scene (thumbnail of a woman wearing a bra and panties, lying on a bed). If it's your first time using Virt-a-Mate, start with the vamX Intro scene instead. If you see a white box instead of the vamX menu, you don't have the vamX.Base.1.var package in the root of your AddonPackages folder.

6) If it's your first time using vamX, press Help -> vamX MAIN TUTORIAL from the vamX UI -> Scene tab.

7) If you're having problems or want to learn advanced tricks, see vamX Help.

8) Should I download anything else? If you've downloaded the latest version of vamX, you have all vamX features. The only additional thing you can download are the separate vamX Environments. Environments can only be opened as separate Virt-a-Mate scenes and cannot be switched to in the main vamX scene tab.

9) First get comfortable using the vamX scene, then advanced users can Add vamX to other scenes.

VAMX VOICE CONTROL 1) Set your Windows default microphone before opening Virt-a-Mate 2) Have the Virt-a-Mate window active (the last selected window selected by clicking anywhere in the Virt-a-Mate program or clicking the Virt-a-Mate icon, not by using Alt-tab). You can download VaM Stay In Front .zip (Optional - Helps if you accidentally click other windows while using Virt-a-Mate - VaM Stay In Front keeps the Virt-a-Mate window active, which keeps voice commands active). Learn more about voice commands

Addon Packages (optional) Full Addon Packages folder (2.6 GB) (You must still download vamX 1.25 in addition). Some vamX items and pages are marked in-game as AddOn, to use those items you need the Addon Packages. The Addon Packages haven't changed for vamX 1.25.

Voice Effects Pack (optional) In Sound you can add Vocal Effects. All Vocal Effects are modifications of the original female Belle voice. You can choose from a variety of normal sounding or strange (e.g. angel, robot, monster) voices. Download the vamX Voice Effects Pack.

For those already familiar with vamX functionality you can load vamX into any scene using the Merge Load scenes. Watch the Merge Load Tutorial Video on Mega or X VIDEOS (set the quality in x videos to 1080p). You can also use the Add vamX plugin which adds an "Add vamX" button to the main Virt-a-Mate menu.


Fixed Maive, she wasn't working at all. Maive now responds to touch and has complex emotions. To seduce Maive you have to be careful to touch her in the right ways, and say the right things. In Desktop Mode (non-VR) Maive requires you to use Voice Recognition.  In VR she responds to complex touches of your VR hands or the male hands.

Maive Options now has a separate Choose Poses and Choose Clothes in the Maive -> Options menu (above the vamX Menu). She defaults now to changing poses but not changing clothes. If you want her to change clothes and poses check the Choose Clothes box in the Maive -> Options menu, or press the vamX menu button MAIVE CAN CHOOSE. Pose changes are currently limited to her suggesting a sex pose if she is horny but you aren't having sex yet.

Fixed issue where the starting pose, before selecting a pose, was very stiff.

Improved issue where her random head turns often produced unrealistic, uncomfortable looking head / neck angles.

Improved issue where hand movements would miss their targets when reaching out in the starting missionary poses (turned off reaching to the head and neck for these poses).

Improved issue where she would occasionally talk about her pussy during anal sex. Most lines that talk specifically about vaginal penetration shouldn't play during anal sex anymore. This should also improve issues where some of those lines could have played when she was getting her pussy licked, etc.

Fixed issue where if you used Rotate World in VR, then when returning to the Virt-A-Mate top menu, the world / top menu, would still be rotated. Also if you directly load another scene the camera is restored before loading the next scene.

Startup controller button explanation shows a maximum of once per day.

Improved issue where stopping female voice might still play breathing and/or moans.

Automatically downloads a few vamX dependencies using the new Hub Downloader by MeshedVR. You still need to download most from the ADDON PACKAGES FROM OTHER AUTHORS page.

Fixed issue with lip sync breaking when changing gender in some voices.

Improved performance of the vamX plugin, especially for scenes with the male hidden.

The Light -> fps and Plugins -> Give Me FPS menus now both go to the same framerate / quality menu set, so that you can change all options related to fps in the same place. The Light -> fps button starts with the pixel light options, but you can continue through by pressing the right arrow to all fps settings.

Reduced the volume of breathing noises when not in sex for many voices.

Fixed issue where vamX would set many Female free controllers on when loaded (this could have effected scenes saved with vamX or when adding vamX to custom scenes).

Fixed issue with 5 of Ashely's random seduction (before sex) phrases not playing (which made her talk less than other voices and not say these lines).


More animations coming soon.

Found other bugs? Please report them. Ideas for improvements? Send a message. Priority given to improvements requested by VIP users.

vamX Credits - Full Credits for All Integrated and Optional Content



I copied the 2 var files vamX.1.25.var and vamX.Base.1.var inside AddonPackages folder. When I launch VAM, I don't vamX menu in the scenes. Am I missing something?


If you put those two var packages into the AddonPackages folder (directly into VaM/AddonPackages/ not in a subfolder) and didn't rename them, and they downloaded correctly, then you can find those scenes in the scene browser. If needed type vamX in the upper right corner search box of the scene browser (follow the numbered steps in this page). Let me know if you continue to not be able to find these scenes. Edit: I just saw your separate message and if you have the free version of Virt-a-Mate you can't open any scenes. You need at least the $2 version of Virt-a-Mate from https://patreon.com/MeshedVR although optimally grab the $8 version!


if i both download vamX.1.25.var and vamX.Base.1.var, should i just negelect rule no.3?(which is 3. Optionally (not required) download the AddonPackages. Users of vamX.1.24 don't need to download these again.)


You should still download the AddonPackages unless you've done so before.