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If you downloaded vamX.1.17 before April 15th, you may wish to download it again to get the latest fixes, including a fix released yesterday, which fixes sim clothing not tightly covering the Female.

If you downloaded vamX.1.17 on or after April 15th, you don't need to download any updates.

To update vamX.1.17.var, download the new vamX.1.17.var package. Because of the new separation of vamX into two parts, you ONLY need to download:
vamX.1.17.var - Update 3 (300 MB, or download from Mega)

This post will be deleted in a few days. This post is to notify people who downloaded during these first few days of the vamX.1.17 release.

For complete vamX download instructions visit the main vamX.1.17 download page:

Change Log

1) Fixed issue with Male -> Load Custom Male 1-7 buttons not working. These are the buttons on the last page of Male looks that let you quick save and load male looks.

2) Fixed issue with starting stories turning back on head movements and facial expressions, even if manually turned of in the plugins menu.  Now, if you go to reset all plugins this doesn't turn head movements and facial expressions back on if you've manually turned them off.

3) Fixed issue with turning off facial expressions in Plugins -> Configure Head Control & Expressions -> vamX Expressions OFF. This wasn't fully turning off facial expressions.

4) Fixed issue where female clothing was distorted or not sitting correctly on the breasts (issue was only in sim clothing). This was due to a collider set that improves sex alignment. This has now been fixed. This collider set, that improves sex, can still slightly widen the area that panties or shorts are on, but only when sex actions are started using the Action menu. Also the default collider set is now loaded when you stop sex actions.



Some parts of the vamX ui turns the entire hud into a grey rectangle? How do I fix this?


Delete Cache Folder mayb helps


Yes, please do delete the cache folder. If that doesn't work, try a clean install of Virt-a-mate (drag the vamupdater file to some new folder then run it). I've never had this problem personally, and people who had it solved it with a clean install. If you do a clean install, and it solves the issue, can you then copy over folders from the old to the new install one at a time, till it breaks it again, and let me know what Virt-a-mate folder was the problem?


As usual nice update packed with feature, thanks. However I have two issues which ruins overall experience: 1. Whenever I give voice command, an red error box pops-up up with message about that command recognized. No matter if VaM menu is closed, it always opens it because of that error popup up. 2. After I installed (before installing it I removed Maive and vamX 1.16) latest vamX 1.17, double grip to activate embody was working. But after I restarted VaM it doesnt work anymore. Any hints about those 2 issues? Also, any news on nipple size (nipples-apply morph) being controlled by arousal level? You said that you will add it in some future.


Probably dumb questions, but I might as well ask, if I have multiple versions of VamX in my addonpackages folder, can I remove them to save up space and if I remove them will they break scenes that I made with the old ones or can I update my scenes? Here is an example of what I'm talking about: https://gyazo.com/a38c98094f674f9fcd09c2d2704645a5 Thank you


1) Regarding voice commands, that feature has been fixed in the latest vamX.1.17.var Update 4, now released on this page. Sorry I didn't initially understand what you wrote, this has now been fixed. 2) Double grip should work to activate embody. Also try double trigger presses. You need to press with both controllers at the same time and be near a head, and in the vamX scene (custom scenes may not have Embody). Nipple size is controlled by arousal in Maive.


If you have saved scenes (Virt-a-mate scene save) then those saved scenes may rely on whatever version of vamX you had. If you had saved scenes, just take the old versions of vamX out of the AddonPackages folder, start virt-a-mate, and test those scenes before fully deleting the old copies of vamX. If you hadn't saved custom scenes the answer would be that you should delete old copies of vamX.


Danke "Ich habe ein wenig zu viel gelesen"! Das fragte ich mich auch schon öfters, habe sie irgendwann angefangen zu löschen und VamX lief weiterhin ohne Probleme und vorallem auf das neuste aktualisierst. Von daher sparrte ich mir die frage an Entwickler. Mein Dank an Dich ist aber ernst gemeint. Ist schon schön zu wissen das es ofiziell so gehandhabt werden soll.


Danke "Ich habe ein wenig zu viel gelesen"! Das fragte ich mich auch schon öfters, habe sie irgendwann angefangen zu löschen und VamX lief weiterhin ohne Probleme und vorallem auf das neuste aktualisierst. Von daher sparrte ich mir die frage an Entwickler. Mein Dank an Dich ist aber ernst gemeint. Ist schon schön zu wissen das es ofiziell so gehandhabt werden soll. Möchte das nutzen um auch VamX zu danken und sagen, das Du erste Klasse Arbeit machst!! Das wird keiner toppen können. Ich machte es mir immer sehr schwer in VaM. Dank Dir qualmt mein Kopf nicht mehr so:)! Weiter so,,,,cool das es Dich gibt! Danke für das hier alles!


I'm not 100% google translate did a good job with this, but I understood that you thanked us, and like vamX, but may be having a problem. If you installed 1.18 recently and have an issue, you probably didn't also download vamX.Base.1.var, or you need to re-download it, or make sure it isn't renamed.


I'm not 100% google translate did a good job with this, but I understood that you thanked us, and like vamX, but may be having a problem. If you installed 1.18 recently and have an issue, you probably didn't also download vamX.Base.1.var, or you need to re-download it, or make sure it isn't renamed.