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You must have a Windows computer with a strong gaming graphics card to use vamX. 

You must subscribe to two Patreon creators. You can cancel any time and permanently keep vamX & Virt-a-Mate. 

To get started with vamX, first install Virt-a-Mate, then install vamX.


Watch the video or follow the steps below:

Video - Installing Virt-a-Mate (1-minute, NSFW):

1) Pay for Virt-a-Mate by Joining at https://www.patreon.com/join/meshedvr
Choose the $2, $4, or $8 version. For most people, the $4 version is recommended so you can save changes to your scenes, but vamX works fine with any of these versions.

If you are a VRPorn Premium member you can download Virt-a-Mate for free from: https://vrporn.com/virt-a-mate/

2) Install Virt-a-Mate from:
Click the link "Updater Zip Download" on that page. Unzip the VaM_Updater and then run the VaM_Updater.exe to download and install Virt-a-Mate.

3) Get your Virt-a-Mate key from: https://www.patreon.com/posts/downloading-and-32794384


Watch the video or follow the steps below:

Video - Installing vamX (1-minute, NSFW):

1) Pay for vamX by Joining at https://www.patreon.com/join/vamX
Choose the $3 or $8 version. The $8 version gives you the latest build one month earlier, plus extra content.

2) If you haven't downloaded vamX, download the latest version of vamX (e.g. vamX.1.10.var) from: https://www.patreon.com/vamx?filters[tag]=Download%20vamX

3) Put the vamX.1.x.var file into your Virt-a-Mate/AddonPackages folder.
Your Virt-a-Mate folder is probably located wherever you downloaded the VaM_Updater to. The VaM_Updater installs Virt-a-Mate into the same folder you ran it from, but you can move the Virt-a-Mate folder any time, to any location on your computer. 


1) Run VaM or VaM (Desktop Mode). If you have a Windows VR headset, run VaM.exe (from your Virt-a-Mate folder). If you don't have a VR headset run VaM (Desktop Mode).bat

2) In VR, in most software you use the trigger button to select items. In Virt-a-Mate you use the trackpad button (Vive) or A button (Oculus).

3) When Virt-a-Mate opens you will see the Scene Browser. Press the Scene Browser. Use the mouse (desktop) or trackpad or A button (VR).

4) Press the vamX scene. If you don't immediately see the vamX scene you can search for it using the Search box in the upper-right corner.

5) First Time Only: Check the box I acknowledge above Plugins Disclaimer and enable plugins. Also check Enable Web Browsers and Enable Web Image/Audio. Then press the star icon near the bottom left of that menu and follow steps 2-4 again.

6) In the vamX UI Menu (where you see tabs like Scene, Light, Pose, etc.) press Help then press vamX MAIN TUTORIAL to get started.


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