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Hello guys! I can't wait to share this with you!

 I'm thrilled to unveil something we've been passionately crafting: The Automation Ring.

 This isn't just any machine; it's your next level in testing automation. Imagine setting up a sequence of operations and then kicking back as the machine takes over, diligently working on your test subject.

Don't miss our sneak peek video for a glimpse into the magic. We're still fine-tuning and squashing bugs to ensure it works great!.

Let me know what are your thoughts about it!

Talk to you later!



Watch "TVS-39-prev" on Streamable.



Love it!!!


Will there be hands for the feet as well?


Awesome! Wish one day we could have this, too. http://tinyurl.com/uxf2bddm (From Jinrouki Winvurga)


Can we give those hand toys and stuff too?


Right now just the brushes, we are thinking how to make it to work with feathers too


It's from a Japanese manga called Jinrouki Winvurga (人狼機ウィンヴルガ) , I think that's chaptor 46.


Love it, might be asking a lot but do you have plans for a va to add more lines? "no not there" kinda lines?


When will this be unveiled? Just subscribed and excited to try it! Love the game by the way


looks great . keep them coming

john barret

Will there be mental breaking points? Like from tickling or pain. Subject starts loosing their mind with what's being done to them. Tears, begging. Stuff like that.


Showed this game to my girlfriend she was impressed but wished she could take the place of the test subjects. Maybe something that could be implemented? or a another future project.


just wanted to comment My wife said the same lol. Im sure "hey Dev you should do this" gets pretty old though. Id be happy with a a pov camera for the vr and everything else on the desktop idk