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Hey there, so far so good, I have released La Douche Beta 8 with a few crashes but I think I managed to fix most of them. The new girl Monique is looking great. Im also working on a dude for La Douche, lets see how that works out.

For the next La Douche release I want to add more animations, I will be also working on possession mode and some bg music for the girls dancing.

The Villain Simulator beta 2 was also released, check out the new video . I will be working on a more clever way to remove the clothes and a way to control the machine from VR.




Hello sorry for my bad english ^^ i have a question can i control these 2 games with oculus touch controller ? ( i dont have one ) and why doenst work the keyboard with oculus ?


Hello, for La Douche you can use Oculus with Xbox controller or keyboard. For The Villain Simulator because of its nature it will require Oculus Touch controllers or HTC Wand Controllers. Maybe down the road I cn add support for Oculus and keyboard and have a similar experience as non vr controllers


Thx for your answer but is it then right then that la Douche is currently not working with Oculus Touch Controller and is it planned for future releases?


La Douche should be working with Oculus Touch controllers as of Beta 8.4 which is already released


So I was wondering there is no .exe file in the zip is that correct or should I just replace the old data folder?


Hello, there should be an exe in the zip file, try downloading again


Downloading it again worked. I have it now, thank you.


sorry to bother you but i have a little problem i cant seem to get the game ladouche and the villain sim to work in vr in la douche the consol tells me it has some kind of error (308) any other game still works but opnly those to wont work for me


Hi, Im sorry about that, thats a new error I have not seen before. Could you give some details on the device you are using? Do you have the latest version of Steam VR and also the latest firmware on your headset?


Looking around I found that starting Steam VR and the game as admin fixes the error for some people, could you try that?


Look at this post: <a href="https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/4ps3ze/steamvr_unknown_error_308/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/4ps3ze/steamvr_unknown_error_308/</a>


sry for the late response, i tryed that yesterday and it didn´t work now after i read this for some reason it wroks i dont know why i always had admin on steam but still thanks for the quick help

Kravenar Games

Thanks for the update! Are there any public release?


what exactly is villain simulator? is it like a domination thing?


Cant find the password for the zip file!




Password is below download links <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/villain-beta-2-8213854">https://www.patreon.com/posts/villain-beta-2-8213854</a>