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You probably are wondering why is next beta taking so long, let me explain

For next beta I have focused the work on on that cool feature you have been waiting for and it has presented a very cool technical challenge, one that is taking more than I initially expected.

But what is this cool feature I have been taking about, well, we will get to it but first, let me show you a new sexy costume that you some of you have also been requesting me..

What do you think? A very sexy civilian dress resembling the one from that favorite game of yours.

I do have plans to include a few more civilian costumes, I will keep you updated.

Now what is that cool feature that is taking me too long? Look at this:

Yeah! I am adding the tickling mechanic to every character in The Villain simulator!!

In order for this to happen I first had to accomplish a few things:

1- Create a new Sensitivity Stat and make all effects and stats to also depend and have impact on it

2- Improve some hand grab interactions in VR Mode to make the whole experience more consistent. This is still a test, I want to know what is your overall opinion on this new body grabbing method.

With this method sometimes the hand grab can be a little awkward when you start it from different angles, I can still improve that a little bit but we will see what you think about it.

BTW, I also addressed the issues that were making grabbing difficult and inconsistent.

3- Create the Tickle Reaction System which I am still working on.

The reaction system will be capable of procedurally creating tickling reactions based on the sensitivity value; for instance, when sensitivity is low characters would more do struggle sounds when you tickle them but as sensitivity increases they will start laughing without control.

In addition to this it will also incrementally start and end the tickle reactions, for example after tickling characters would normally pant for a little bit.

I will keep you posted on how this is coming along and I'm positive I will have something for you to see mid April.

Thanks everybody for your support and your patience.



Ok i'm amused, confused and suspicious at the same time because of timezones :D


-First of all, thank you for finally getting to the tickling feature! I'm very excited for it! -Second, I think the grab mechanic is a smart idea (tricky as it may be to program) - Third, regarding the reaction system; I honestly don't know how difficult programming is, so I could be talking like an ass, but I just wanted to throw out the suggestion if it's not already on your radar: make sure that the whole face reacts to the tickling, not just the mouth. You don't want a laughing mouth and dead eyes, it's creepy looking :p Keep up the great work, and thanks again for getting to the tickling mechanic!


Thanks! And definitely I very detail oriented when working on this and I have been looking a lot of reference material for this.


i was away from this project for a bit, but came back because the upcoming tickling seems so fun.


This seems like a dream come true! I can't wait to see how it works :) will finally have to dust off that VR headset :D Thanks so much for sharing this!


I was wondering if there are intersex characters planned as well (especially schlongs for females)


Now this is what I've been looking for, reactions to what you do! Thats so much more engaging than just watching premade animations, this is where VR should be