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 The Villain Simulator Beta 9 is out. Download it here!  

This is the Phase I release of the Hero Status System that I will be implementing, although this release may seem that it has not improved much from Beta 8, internally a lot of work was done to open support for the Hero Status and Personality.

Phase I was about building the foundation of the character status and personality, a status system was implemented that contains logic and stores the hero's status, a new UI Console was also introduced to let players see this status as they get affected.

With this in place I can start working on the personality changed based on the status of the character and here are a few ideas:

  • Hero will break at some point
  • Hero can get sometimes aroused if conditions are met
  • Hero will react get scared or angry
  • Different tools can affect different stats simultaneously
  • Hero can be killed

The last one has been implemented and now the hero can be killed if its health reaches zero.

In addition to this system a few improvements were made:

Baked Ligthing and improved Main Machine textures

This was done mostly to optimize the rendering of the scene while at the same time improving the visual quality. Made some lights to be static and precomputed the surface reflections of the scene, I also realized that the materials used on the main machine were adding around 20% of overhead to the rendering, with this change you can expect this much gain in performance while having everything look better. 

Created Mini Holo Interface for Weapons

Some aspect that will come with the gameplay later involves saving the ammo you have for the different weapons available, this will add challenge when using this tools and will create gamification. Don't worry, Patreons will get a cheat mode in which ammo will be unlimited for "Testing Purposes"

 What else? 

As usual some other improvements had been made which include small optimizations and bug fixes, for a full list please check the end of this post.


Desktop Mode Controls

WASD - Movement

E - Grab/Interact

R - Reset Game

Ctrl - Crouch

Left Click - Shoot/activate

Right Click - Toggle Hands

Ctrl U - Debug Panel

VR Mode Controls

Trigger - Shot/Interact

Grab - Grab

Joystick/Pad up - Teleport/Pointer

 Joystick/Pad left/right - Snap Turn

List of changes ( abridged )

  • Adding ignore layers to play area and teleport (fixes bug of heigh changing when close to the hero)
  • Making status console update values on game start 
  • Making rubber bullet reduce arousal and fear 
  • On Dematerializing hero inflicting 1000 damage to kill the human 
  • Adding servo short sound to status console 
  • Configuring dynamic bone colliders missing in right hand 
  • Allowing Status Console to be toggled in VR trough the VR Pointer 
  • On Character Dead, disabling IK and ragdoll to dead status 
  • On character dead stopping breathing and expressions
  • Basic check for dead logic implementation 
  • Setting up logic so that the hero can be physically attached to the machine
  • Changing quality settings to avoid clipping on low qualities
  • Combining main machine mesh and materials to improve performance
  • Adjusting Main Menu Scene lights and Post Processing effect
  • Making the status interface to appear and disappear when is toggled
  • Adding status console icon to the tool console interface button
  • Adding animation and activation logic for the status console arm
  • Basic trigger points to toggle the status console arm when pressing it
  • Baking Lightning and adjusting lights, materials, reflection probes
  • Making the interactable toys add arousal damage on Desktop Mode
  • Making Tazer start Electrocute on collision checking if a hero is alr… … 
  • Refactoring Tazer character collition detection Part1
  • Status controller console now uses the UI Indicators controllers to s… …
  • Creating Holo Interface elements for character status
  • Creating prefab for status console and adding a base holo interface 
  • Making Tazer inflict damage over time as it is effecting the character 
  • Adding basic status cancas to scene. …
  • Making Dematerializer explode if no ammo is left
  • Adding Event and sound to Dematerializer activation fail
  • Adding animation to no ammo warning sprite in dematerializer
  • Adding auxiliar image to ammo canvas to show when there is no more am… …
  • Implementing holographic counter effect for weapons with animations in… …
  • Adding sound and holo effect when grabbing the weapons
  • Making weapon ammo counter appear and disappear on Grab
  • Adding holographic display to materializer and pong weapons
  • Creating the bases to implement the demo mode




I have so many Questions: 1. Where will you sell it, when it's done? 2. Will there be a public Version/Demo to check if my PC can run it? 3. Do you have a HP?


Thanks! 1. TVS will not be sold, is more like fan work and will eventually be free, with nice addons and updates for patreons. 2. Yes it will be, I will announce it where to find it but will also be available here. 3. What is HP? I do have tweeter.


breast expansion serum would be a fun addition ;)


Seriously? That would make it more of a tacky 'joke' than a villain 'simulator' as the name suggests. Surely more fundamental additions would be 'ball-gags' etc


I'm just curious if the tools like the scalpel, blade and syringe have any use yet or if they're for future content


First, thanjs


first thanks for doing a MAC version, second could the keyboard be more interactive. Great game


Is this still being updated? If it is I will subscribe!


Hello, yes Im still working on this

lover not fighter

where did the scalpel and stuff go. also what do they do,. and big one how do i get the pleasure meter up. no mater wat i do nothing works

Kirk Wild

In VR i can't use any of the buttons which control the machines or select characters. I have an Oculus.


Hello, are you able to bring the UI pointer using the joystick? Then pressing the trigger to activate it.


I was just wondering will there be Ps4 version of the game because i was searching a little on the store and i couldn’t find it.