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Hi all! So, as many of you may have already noticed, I'm starting to tailor the monthly polls to be in line with the things that i like drawing. The unfortunate truth is that 9 times out of 10, the poll winner is typically something i dont really care for, so its always very forced and kind of dreadful for me to draw. Over the next months I will be trying different things to see what will work, with the goal being to focus on drawing things that i enjoy.

Also, a word regarding passwords! Due to the unknown effectivity of passwords and the fact that they're kind of annoying for me to deal with, i will no longer be implementing password protection. In the time I did have password protection, my patreon has seen the most success it's ever had, so if it turns out that subscriptions end up having a noticeable drop after the removal of passwords, then i may consider reimplementing piracy protection in the form of discord-exclusive posts.



Whatever you may choose to do, as long as you are happy, im happy! This shouldn’t feel like a job, but rather a hobby. A hobby you love. Keep it that way!


Have you thought about eliminating poll winners to widen the range of characters that you'd might enjoy more? We love to see you draw the things you like the most and not take it job-serious