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My list of projects to complete is finally starting to look a little bit more clear now:
There's just one page left for the Maple x Herald comic, The Chica comic is back underway and I have a few animations in the works (though these are currently on the backburner)

Next month, I was thinking about finally reopening commissions again, specifically for you folks here on my patreon at first, then eventually reopening them to everybody.

This could slow down the production of new Chica comic pages, though, and subsequently slow down me getting to work on my next animation, so I'd like your opinions on this matter since your support is the whole reason I can do this kinda stuff in the first place.

Lemme know what you think in the comments as well in case you have a bit more to add



I'm a huge fan of Chica and Goober, so I'd love to see the Chica comic out faster.


as much as id love to commission u


, i say finish chica first