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【IF的な】女の誇りを掛けて 女の娘と罰ゲームで争うミクちゃん ~ハード編~ 後編その2

















【IF】 Miku, who competes with a woman's daughter in a game of punishment for her female pride, -hard version- Part 4

*This is another hard-hitting video. Please be careful if you don't have the tolerance.

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I had intended to make this the last hard version of the punishment game, but... I couldn't finish it in time, so I had to release it at the last minute. I am sorry for the disappointment. If I had to edit everything, it would have taken more than 100 hours to make a video over 30 minutes long.

So I had to force myself to cut it in half, so the last part of this video is very half-hearted. I didn't intend to end it like this in the first place.

However, even though it was only the first half, I was able to create something quite satisfying as an erotic play. There are many plays like the ones that have appeared in the past, but I thought that if I did it in a situation like this one, I could get a different kind of excitement out of it.

It may sound like self-praise, but I am satisfied that I was able to successfully express in MMD the kind of erotic play I had imagined in my brain. Although the play is devilish, I was able to express my maniacal sexuality in this work. The triangular wooden horse, enema, itch torture, kryptonite attack on women, SM play between women, etc....

The new sub-character, secretary-chan, is a little different from BB-chan in that she is a super-dos, and while BB-chan is sarcastic, playful and abusive, secretary-chan is cool-headed and outrageous. Well, both of them are Dos in the end.

They may appear again someday. By the way, the face is modeled by quappa-el. He is a wonderful model and always a great help.

As for the next installment, I will add a few scenes to the almost finished Part 4 and post it in the middle of next month. After that, I have some extras in mind. Please bear with me for a while longer in this long and persistent series of punishment games. If I have made it this far, I want to reopen it and make it all.

There will be one blame for the second part, but it will be a popular play for me and some others. My next target is two other people except Miku. Maybe Miku will be a decoration until the end. I want to change the title. Miku-san is just letting go and not fighting....

I'm going to be very busy in November, so I'm afraid I'll be a little behind in my work... I'd like to thank everyone who supports this pervert, and I'd like to do my best to produce this work.

Please watch the next part 4 if you like. I will definitely finish it this time....

I know that a pervert called "K" comes out every now and then, but please don't think too much about it. He is just a pervert who likes Miku.




罰遊戯王ハード編2ご投稿お疲れ様です! 濃厚時間でした!アカリさんの縄化粧、素敵でございましたが、見とれている時間は僅かなもので、本編の責めの内容が終始強烈そのものでしたね。ってか秘書子さんヤバすぎ💦 開幕早々から全力破壊Moveとか完全にネジがイかれてますね😱 個人的にゴム浣腸~引き抜きのプレイは古に中国であった処刑方法を連想されるモノがあってガクブルものでしたが… いやはやあの手この手でアカリさんを壊していくプレイから目を離せない思いでしたね。濃密時間をありがとうございました。 完結の3編目も楽しみにしていますが…お忙しさが本格化されるとの事、ご無理なさらずに休息も取られてくださいね。


今回もご視聴&ご感想ありがとうございます。 アカリさんへの縄はしっかりと締めさせてもらいました。どんなに痒くても動けないようにです。なにやら彼女への縄は赤が似合いますね。 秘書さんは容赦なかったです。なにせ仕事が押し詰まり早くあんな事は終わらせたかったので。でも途中から自分の趣味に走ってましたね・・ドS秘書さん。彼女は部下にも厳しいそうです。人によってはご褒美らしいですが。 おお・・・中国にはお尻からゴムを引き抜くような処刑方法があるのですか。知らなかったです。あんな事を現実でやれば確かに死にますね・・怖い怖い。 でもアカリさんも苦しさは一緒なんですよねぇ・・怪我をしないだけで。とはいえ私の作品の女の娘は、みんな感じてますので問題ないかと思います。ええ。 完結の3編目はほぼ出来ているのにも関わらず、諸事情により少しお待たせしてしまいます。申し訳ございません。 ですが今月もエロい動画を休息を取りつつも頑張って制作致しますので、宜しければ次回もご覧くださいませ。