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【IF的な】女の誇りを掛けて 女の娘と罰ゲームで争うミクちゃん ~ハード編~ 後編その1























【IF】 Miku, who competes with a woman's daughter in a game of punishment for her female pride, -hard version- Part 3

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Sorry for the long delay, ladies and gentlemen. This is the second part of the hard part of the punishment game. But...well...it didn't end just this time...sorry. Next time will be the last.

The main character this time is Yukari-san. About two thirds of the story is about Yukari. I was going to torture Mirai Akari, but I felt that I was not enough because the only torture Yukari gave me last time was enema, so I made too much of it.

The play itself consisted of mechanical torture, shame in the street, and pregnant sex and anal torture from the devilish men. The devilish men...they are back again. However, the world line is different from the one I made before, so I met Yukari for the first time.

The men's play is also similar. It's almost like a remake...but I think I was able to make it a little more gruesome than it was then. There is almost no enema situation for Yukari this time, but I refrained from it because I did it a lot last time.

Basically, what I wanted to make with Yukari this time was a dangerous love story between lesbian women. It's a little different from what I wanted, but I thought it would be okay as long as it was erotic. Akari is scary.

Miraiakari's play is a continuation from the previous session. So there is no new blame for her this time...sorry. Please enjoy her only enema this time. Next time, we will focus on her.

And Miku is just a decoration this time too. She is fighting with a girl, so it is just as the title says, but it is a fraud as an erotic movie...sorry.

She is now being assaulted by sensations six times more intense than those of other people. But this is just the beginning...I wish Miku the best. At the very least, I hope the next dice roll will be anything but a 6.

Also...sorry. I will finish this hard chapter next time because it is too long....except for the erotic scenes, which may be too short. But I will make sure to make only erotic scenes. That is my purpose in life.

As for the next time, I am planning to make a main story...but if it will take time, I may make another short story.

However, if possible, I would like to make the main story by the end of this month. Next month...especially the month after next, November, will be extremely busy and I think one video will be the limit, so I want to make it while I can.

Due to various accidents and other problems, my submissions have been delayed and I am very sorry for the inconvenience to all of you.

However, thanks to your support, we have managed to continue working hard on this project. I really appreciate it.

I would like to create only erotic works that fulfill my sexual propensity, but due to global regulations and the actions of those who do not have the heart to do so, I have to spend my time on other things besides production every day.

Rape, hypnosis, sexual acts that are basically without consent, banning eels because they are bestiality, banning characters because they are somehow Lolita-like in my sense, etc.... All are restricted.

The world appeals to me to make Miku-san "that kind of bitch who accepts any kind of devilish and outrageous eroticism with a smile on her face. Other than that, they don't accept it because there is no consent on the part of the women. It's a crazy world.

Girls are wonderful because they are "shy". You would think, right?

However, no matter what happens, as long as my sexual desire is insatiable, I will continue to create works in line with my sexual proclivities, and I would like to ask for your continued support.

I hope you will all continue to support me.

As I have said many times before, Yukari-san pretends that there was no eroticism, and even though she went home...she is still having an affair with Akane-chan, isn't she? In the end, you may end up in the same situation as this time. Akari is scary.




ご投稿お疲れ様です!ハード後編1楽しませてもらいました! 茜ちゃん、あかりちゃん、両サイコパス(言い過ぎ?)の板挟みに遭うゆかりちゃんマジ乙でしたね💦 愛の言葉を強制させるあたり、北斗の拳のシンとユリアを勝手に連想しちゃって一人で悦に入ってしまっていましたw 極太アナルバイブのシーンなんかは「何本目に死ぬかな~?」なんて脳内再生してたり…(超どうでも良いですね💦) いやはや、とんでもない愛のカタチもあったものです。 それにしてもkojirou様ワールドは裏切りに超厳しいですね…マフィアもかくや…という程の世界観ですね😱 このまま罰ゲームが無効にならなければ、ゆかりちゃんは社会的死&妊娠で完全終了してしまいますね… また、最後に登場した調教師は以前にミクさんの排泄物を購入したりしてた方なので? これまたとんでもない隠し玉が出演されるものですね。次はアカリちゃんが壊される未来しか見えない……正直ガクブル物ですが、ここまで来たら全てを見届けたく存じます。 kojirou様も大変な日々が続いていらっしゃるかと存じます。ご無理のない範囲でご制作を続けて下さる事を願っています。今回も胸熱な作品をありがとうございました。


今回もご視聴ありがとうございます!楽しんで頂けて嬉しいです。 茜ちゃん達はサイコパスでしたねぇ。あの二人にお仕置きされるゆかりさんは、自業自得とは言え悲惨でした。 そう言われれば、北斗の拳っぽい感じでしたね。ただ、ゆかりさんから身体で誘っていたという点が大きな違いですね。 私の作品で、裏切りに厳しいのは優しい女性キャラが居ないか・・・・いえ、ミクさん達も本当は優しいんですけどね。ただ彼女達は皆、浮気などには狭量です。気をつけましょう。 そして罰ゲームとゆかりちゃん達の行く末ですが、次次回?の後編その2でご確認ください。・・あの娘が勝利します。 最後に登場した変態Kさんですが、番外編でリンがミクで客を取っていた時大金でミクを買った人ですね。リンが寝てる間に大量浣腸やら何やら無茶をして、ミクをミックでは無くアイドルのミク本人だと自供させました。 そして本編ではミクのエロBDを30枚、14億円で買いしめた人物です。最後は、反省した?ネルに全て回収されたようですが。誰なんでしょうね、あのKさん。 アカリさんに対しても容赦はしません。ハードSMが彼女を襲います。 色々とお気遣いありがとうございます。最近少しMMD関係でも制作以外の事が忙しくて・・・。ですが、エロい動画を作りたい気持ちは少しも色あせておりません。 今後もいろいろなエロを表現したいと思っていますので、宜しければ変わらぬ応援の程、よろしくお願いいたします。