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【番外編】2023年 バレンタインデー ~今年はアナルも開発するよ編~ セリフ追加版















【Extra】Valentine's Day 2023 - This year we will also develop Rin's anus  - Additional version of lines for support-

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Sorry for the long wait, everyone. It may seem strange to be doing an event video more than 10 days after Valentine's Day, but we have completed this year's Valentine's Day video.

This time, just like last year, Rin will be your girlfriend and you will spend your Valentine's Day in love. This year, Rin gets her butt hole a bit dilated by you. It's outrageous.

If today was Valentine's Day, it might have been a little more realistic. Sorry about that. Please feel free to watch it. It's not that hardcore...it's lovey-dovey.

However, the situation is basically from your point of view, but you can hardly see Rin's cute face, so you sometimes leave your astral body and go around the room. This is an impossible viewpoint, but it can't be helped. Because you want to see Rin's face.

At the end, Rin gives you a chocolate filled with love. Please do not bite into it, but lick it off and lick it off to your heart's content.

Actually, we were working on a slightly harder video to thank you for your support, but we decided halfway through that we would never be able to make it, so we will post it next month. I am sorry for those who supported us this month.

We are planning to post it in the first half of next month, but please do not expect too much as it is only a few minutes long. Oh, I will also give you an enema in the hard version, which I couldn't do this time. But it will not be from your point of view.......Miku will appear again. Miku is a wonderful girl who can do any kind of work.

After all, I didn't make any event videos at all between last year and this year...

I hope that all of you who always support me & help me out enjoyed this video as much as possible. Thank you very much for your support.

Please watch the next video if you would like to see it. Next month, I plan to make a Valentine's Day hard version and a punishment hard version as a thank you.

*For those overseas. On Valentine's Day in Japan, women confess their love by giving chocolates to men. This event was forcefully created by Japanese confectionery makers in the past. Most unattractive men do not receive any chocolates from women. It is an atrocious event.




遅くなりましたが、2023リンちゃんバレンタイン拝見させていただきました! 相変わらずドエロな彼氏くん、アイドルでもあるリンちゃんに何て事をしでかしちゃうのでしょうね💦 まぁ、リンちゃんも負けず劣らずでぶっとんだチョコを用意しちゃってましたので…案外お似合いのカップルなのかもですが😅 笑いどころは盛り込みつつも、肝心の部分はしっかりと甘イチャ要素をぶっこんでくださるのはさすがのkojirou様、彼氏くんが羨ましくなってしまいますねw 今作は心が温まる作品でしたね、ありがとうございました🙏


今回もご視聴ありがとうございます。 そして毎回どエロな彼氏くんですが、これは皆様視点で制作されております。つまり皆様がエロいのでござ・・・いえすみません。変態は私一人ですね。 そしてアイドルであるリンちゃんですが、今回はお尻を開発されちゃいました。しかもあの大きな玉を自分で挿入させるという結構な鬼畜プレイで。それでも彼氏(皆様)を愛するがゆえ頑張りました。リンちゃんは良い娘です。 良い娘ですが結構変態なリンちゃんは自分のアレを型取りチョコを作りました。上級者以外では引く行為かもしれませんが、その辺は心配ありません。彼氏(皆様)は上級者だと信じておりますので大いに喜んで頂けたでしょう。でもハクさんは一般人なので完全に引いてます。リンちゃんを後でしっかりとお仕置きです。 シチュやシナリオを楽しんで頂けたようで嬉しい限りでございます。私の作品では年に1回の甘イチャシリーズ?ですが今後も出来るだけ製作したいと思います。 そして次回はそんな甘い空気を無かったかのようにする、おまけのバレンタインハード編です。短い作品ですが、上級者の方に楽しんで頂ければ幸いです。