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【番外編】BBちゃんが鈴○を辱めるだけ♪  エネマ編 前編

























【Extra】BB-chan only humiliates Suzu○a♪ Enema Edition Part 1

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To those of you who have supported us this month... I am so sorry. This is a completely last-minute post at the end of the month. This is an extra 

video for this month.

This was supposed to be a bonus video that we would make in 3 days, but we ended up making it longer than we intended. And because of that, I 

couldn't finish it, and it ended up being the first part and the second part. 

The content of the video is the same as the "BB-chan Enema version" I made before. I mean, really, the phrasing is almost the same.

In fact, I didn't remember much of the previous BB-chan video I made, so after making this video, I went back to review the previous video.

And then I thought...it's almost the same. I am so stupid...

Please consider this work as a freebie. There is not much movement.

I hope those of you who like enemas or Suzutani-san can enjoy it as a different pattern from the previous one.

This time it is an Enema version, but I had other patterns in mind. I had other patterns in mind, such as tickling and anal. However, the enema for 

Miku in the main story was a little insufficient, so I decided to make an enema as an omake.

If I had reviewed the previous version, I could have changed the pattern a little, but it is too late now. The second part will continue as is. Please 

wait a little longer.

I hope those of you who like enemas or Suzutani-san can enjoy it as a different pattern from the previous one.

This time it is an Enema version, but I had other patterns in mind. I had other patterns in mind, such as tickling and anal. However, the enema for 

Miku in the main story was a little insufficient, so I decided to make an enema as an omake.

If I had reviewed the previous version, I could have changed the pattern a little, but it is too late now. The second part will continue as is. Please 

wait a little longer.

After that, I will start working on the Valentine's Day event video. We will try to get it done by the 14th. I am sorry, but it will probably be a short 

video. I'm sorry, 

I have made a lot of excuses this time, but basically it is my favorite enema play. I want to make it as many times as I can. Please, my dear 

supporters, bear with me with a warm heart.

Now then, everyone, please watch the next video if you would like to see it.

Maybe there will be an enema play, even though it is called an anal version...




遅ればせながら1月期2度目の更新お疲れ様でした!屈託のないBBちゃんの笑顔が素敵な作品、堪能させていただきました! 専用機のようなカラーリングの浣腸液が素晴らしく印象に残りましたね💦 それにしてもお尻の具合が治ったばかりの鈴谷さんに何という仕打ちを…w 何気に過去作では肛門接着で1週間単位の排泄我慢プレイをされていましたが、常人ならば一晩でも精神がどうにかなってしまいそうな責めですよね…鈴谷さんの心が壊れてしまわないか些か心配です💦 後編の展開も楽しみにしています。


今回もご視聴ありがとうございます。 BBちゃんシリーズの鈴谷さんバージョンでございます。正直かなり急いで作りましたので色々と荒かったと思います・・すみません。 今回もあいもかわらず浣腸物です。治ったばかりの鈴谷さんのお尻とお腹を虐めちゃいましたね・・。後半はもっと酷いことになると思います。 以前は接着剤で絶望を与えてましたが、今回はBBちゃんの気分次第という感じですね。ある意味接着剤より絶望かもしれません。 本来素人さんですと、あんな苦しみは半日もすれば耐えられなく、半狂乱になる事でしょう。でも鈴谷さんは耐えてしまいます。詳細は後編をごらんくださいませ。もう少しで出来上がります。 現在制作中の後編も急ぎなため、全体的に簡素だと思いますが楽しんで頂けたらと思います。