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Thank you all so much for the support! Just needed to let you know that I made some important changes to my Patreon rewards. This applies to people who've pledged $5 or $10.

Due to the high amount of song requests I've received, I can only perform one song request per week. So if you wanted all three of your song requests, you would have to stick with me for 3 months. Essentially, it's $5 a song.  

As for my $10 reward: 

After reevaluating my budget, I had to lower the amount of allowed review requests from three to one. More information on my page.

 I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you understand why I needed to do this. 

I can't thank you enough for the support, and I would completely understand if you wanted to lower or delete your pledge.




hey i guess it was good i got one :D


Well it's understandable. I'm a bit sad but at the same time if my 5$ can help you a little I'm fine with it. It's like I'm paying a beer a month to help you fight your suicide depression :P. Jokes aside; I'll get 1 song for 5$ per month yes ? Can you keep the songs order I've send you ?


Thanks for understanding! And of course you can still keep your song order. "Snake Eater" is actually gonna be the first JobbytheSong of September!


Ahhh great great ! Can you just make "Goldeneye" the second please ? ;)


Ofc I'll continue to pledge for your excellent swivel service;)


Sorry, but I already have a schedule for September. Goldeneye will definitely be in October though.


No Jobby!! I mean the "second song of my list" not like you should do mine next. I would just like that, when you pick another of the songs I've requested, it'll be Goldeneye who's next. Sorry for the misunderstanding ;)


Thank you!


Its all good man, totally understand. In fact you reminded me I still have 2 requests and a review I haven't even put thought into. Better get to it soon before Jobby calls me out again.


I think I'm gonna stick another month, I love u 2 much Jobby boi