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  • MilesElectricApps.mp4
  • TintWithTimeOfDay.mp4
  • InteractionBubble.mp4
  • SplashMediaImprovements.mp4



There's a few new updates done for Spicy Sanctuary!

First of all, a new logo for the game!

Worked on creating some size templates for the characters and backgrounds so I can start creating some different expressions with the characters and some backgrounds.

I also made a first model for Amy, kinda wanted to make her look a bit thicc with big bre*sts but not too huge, do you think she looks okay?

There is now a better prototype room background for Tails' Workshop so I can visualize better where everything will be, furthermore the background and its characters and elements will have the current tint of the lighting based on the time of day.

I also added a popup bubble that will appear whenever the player hovers the mouse over an interactable spot.

Work has been done in the Miles Electric apps (Flicker & HedgeTalk) in order to see how I will include the chatlog/feed data in the savefiles.

Finally I've been improving the SplashMedia feature (the feature that shows image slideshows or cutouts) to include a few transitions.

And I have finished the introduction scene with all the texts and choices where Amy is introduced!
I hope to have a small demo out really soon depending on how fast we finish up the necessary images!



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