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  • GirlInteractionShopAndGiftingSystem.mp4



Girl Interaction Menu, Shop Screen & Gifting System is done!
Every girl interaction screen has its own hooked events and is easy to extend. Gifting system is there as well with a prompt screen for the player to choose an item.
A new shop screen is also now available allowing buying and selling items, it can have a unique item list assigned so I can create multiple shops with different items in each one of them.
The savestate system is done for the most part as well until I need to assign more values to be saved. It supports multiple slots as well.
I will be working on the Title Screen next, it does need an entry point to choose an existing save data, a Profile screen outlining your stats and after doing some maintenance to the engine I will start working on the story and backgrounds.
Attached is a video preview of the aformentioned systems!



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