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Volume 3's edited eBook is out on Amazon dot com. Comes with a new map of the Burnt Desert, and a final wordcount of 117k versus 115k on the first draft of volume 3. Fewer total rewrites this volume, but still some.

I very much enjoyed hearing Luke Daniels narrate the Alchemist. Argrave and Anneliese's romance sparked its flame in that volume, too-- another of my favorite scenes. I'd give a link to Audible, but they're being slow about approval :( Hopefully it'll be up in the link above by the time you read this.

For now, though, Volumes 4 through 6 are available for preorder on the publisher's site for more than half off if you'd like to hear Luke Daniels continue his narration of the story. Volume 4 should be releasing shortly, too.



They're inaccessible at the tier you're pledged at. Going up would give you access all the way to 553 at the highest, which is the current chapter.