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Thank you for always your support.

Today I have an unfortunate announcement.

Videos and images I posted on Patreon were reposted on the website "kemono. party" without permission. I discovered this when a Japanese follower told me about it. 

If the videos and images were posted for free, I could give up if they spread and increase the number of followers, but with PPV videos and images, it turned out to be a different story. Your well-meaning actions are robbing me of funds for my activities without your awareness. If those videos and images were available for free, no one would pay to see them. Even an elementary school student can know that.

If the posting continues any longer, I will close this Patreon page and sue the person who reposted them without permission. I don't want to do that either, but it is an unavoidable choice if my profit is damaged and my activity fee is taken away.

Please do not make me make such a sad choice for anyone. I believe in you all.


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