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After many years of your continued support, Queen's Brothel version 1.0.0 has been released. Please visit the site below for a detailed look at what is to come!





How can I tell in game if i have the paid version vs the free version?


The free version has a big "DEMO VERSION" on the main menu on the bottom right.


Hey DP! I installed the Steam version on Linux and everything works like a charm. Outfits, quests, animation everything is good. It even picked up my previous 0.19 save. I was a littlebit astomished about that but hey i take it ;) I remarked one tiny-little thing though: The setting for full-screen or windowed doesn't seem to be stored, it's always reset to fullscreen. i like playing in windowed mode that's why i remarked it. As i said little thing nothing serious just thought i'd mention it...


Hey spielc, your save is remembered because I've been saving files in your .local/share the whole time ! But now it will be stored on the Steam cloud as well instead of just locally. I did get another fullscreen complaint because it is not friendly to ultrawide monitors. I think i will take your suggestion to save your settings.