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There was a game breaking bug in version 0.12.0. So here is quick fix!!







That guy Steve

Hello DP, is it normal for the android version to only show queen's animations even when selecting other girls?


Hey Steve, that's normal. I had to make that change because too many people were complaining about the battles crashing their phones because they had to load so many different animations

That guy Steve

Aaah, understandable, programming is hard


Very excited to give it a shot

Jonathan Girard

The tracker for how many clients the girls got off doesn't seem to be working. Always says 1.


The final boss battle in hell crashes before the second phase (Android version)


I have noticed a lot of people saying the Android version crashes during these long battles. I think it might have to do with memory management. I will try to find a better solution in the next update!! Sorry!


Windows version.The looping animations appear to have an empty frame at the end. In full-screen you see the background the animation was covering(first Queen blowjob at the start of the game) for a brief flash of what I assume is one frame. On the battlescreen it's simply a non-image. The MP4s aren't working as well as the previous method yet.


Hey Jimmy, this is where it'll be machine specific. It should be an auto looping video, and I noticed it does not loop well on my Mac mini, but it loops fine on my Windows computer. Do you happen to be rocking an older CPU?


5950X so that can‘t be it. It‘s more noticable for the lower frame rate videos, I.e. the generic animations that loop. One more thing, but I need to reverify that. I tested a later save game, the Orc battle, and at some point the game jumped out of the battle and upon entering the quest again, all the characters were naked and the quest started again. I may have accidentally hit Forfeit. I happened so fast. If that is what happened, how about a „Are you sure?“ check.


For the missing frame issue, I‘ll post a screen recording this weekend. -edit- Sent via direct message.


Are previous versions of the game available? Want to try some of them out and see the differences.


Yessirr, click the "releases" filter on Patreon and you'll find them all


Hey is there any way to get the unique battle animations for each girl? I think it was in a previous version.


Heya! Not anymore. I'm going to be adding those back in the game at a later time because people's phones were crashing from the amount of unique animations.


Its unlikely, ive been asking that and offered to try to help make them all myself for free but he got annoyed. The game crashing for mobile players, and lack of artists and timeframe and programming the game by himself, wanting to keep things simple types of reasons.