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Lets try this again.

Now that the movies have made us experts on the source material, lets see if they get it right in Percy Jackson and the Olympians! This Disney+ series apparently has the author of the books on board, so Micah & I are hopeful we’ll finally understand why everyone is so dang passionate about this demigod.

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Macauly Leiher

Yesss the time has come (I definitely had to watch this before you guys talk during it or I would have went fucking insane) that Zeus casting was insane I have no clue what they are going to do next season this is a real Dumbledoor situation. Edit after watching : I completely agree with the fact they should have reshot it . Because in like 10 years when people don’t google when he die they will think Disney pulled another Terrence Howard for Don Cheadle

Olivia Kurima

Commenting before I watch this but I hope they didn't miss the post credits scene


I am honestly so sad about Lance Reddick. What an awesome casting choice for Zeus. I hope whoever they get to take his place, also packs a punch


As a long time fan of Percy Jackson I ADORED this adaptation. It was so faithful to the books that I have been reading since I was Percy's age while still having enough differences to make it surprising and enjoyable. Super happy that you guys enjoyed it and staying up till 4am from Ireland to catch the commentary tracks just after the episode aired was 100% worth it. Plus getting a mention in a PMI commentary track is now my legacy.


I read these books as a kid and they honestly are super close to my heart. Obviously there are some valid criticisms, but I absolutely loved it and it makes me so happy to have something I love so much portrayed so well. It's a faithful adaptation and so fun. I teared up most episodes, just being able to *see* these scenes I'd read over and over. I'm glad you guys seemed to like it, and hope we get a season 2 announcement soon!

Abby Mason

Favorite episode was definitely St. Louis because I felt physically ill watching him hang out of that thing. And yes you should do book club because I have also never read the books and think it would be cool for people to talk and chat about it.

Rebecca C

I never read the books as a kid (I think I was a couple years too old for it) and until rewatching it with you, I didn’t hate the first movie. I’m reading them now and I totally see why fans were so upset about it. I liked the series and didn’t mind the pacing. Also I like the Lightning Thief musical! It’s closer to the book than the movie

Olivia Kurima

yessss! the credit scene wasn't that important but still I wanted y'all to get the full episode.

Olivia Kurima

also it was so funny yall talking about Johnathan Majors since he graduated from my college and when he was picked up by Marvel everyone at my school was so excited, the school was doing like stories and promotional stuff on him. and then when he was arrested everyone was just like "ah damn".

Jack Jones

I mean they will absolutely Recast, The gods in the books change appearance all the time, so its an easy recast


Such a great series of tracks you guys!! Glad you enjoyed the episode to the end. On the topic of Lance as Zeus, fortunately it's actually a canon thing in the books that the gods can present themselves in any way they want. For example, when we eventually meet Artemis, she purposely portrays herself as a 12 year old girl. So, when it comes to the next time we see Zeus, if he doesn't look like Lance Reddick it can actually make total sense. I'm glad they kept Lance in as Zeus considering this is the last time we will see him on any screen, and he was genuinely fantastic. I'd love to see you guys read the books!! They're literally in the children's section of barnes and noble, so they're incredibly easy reads. Great tracks as always! 10/10


Very happy you guys dug the show!!! As a fan of the books since they came out, I was very happy with the adaptation we got here. The kids are all great and it was actually a faithful adaptation. I will say though, the books definitely had a bit more grit to them, whereas this like you said felt a bit more laid back. There are parts in the first book and especially as they go forward that feel almost vicious, like the Luke revelation part, so I hope they can find a bit of that while still maintaining the tone that they've established. Hope you guys read the books, they're definitely worth your time:)

Hayley Woodbury

omg please read the books!! the tone is funnier and a bit more lively. also as a kid liking percy just meant u were cooler, especially if the other person was a harry potter fan too lol. definitely right about the calm, which kept throwing me as its kind of opposite to the books lol. loved the show but seeing an outside opinion from someone whose opinion i agree on with on media definitely made me criticisms feel over the top. but please read them, they are soo enjoyable even for non middle schoolers!!!


I thought the actor that played Percy Jackson was really good, but I think part of the reason it feels subdued is because Percy in the book is a lot more sarcastic and jokey (aka the vibes of Logan Lerman's hair in the first movie). I enjoyed the show, but there weren't many moments of levity (especially the second half of the season) that gave the whimsy from the books, leaving the show to feel very one-note. In the books, Percy still had the heroic moments that he did when battling the Gods, Luke, and Kronos during the show, making a lot of his courageous moments less impactful because Percy had always acted heroically. A lot of Percy's journey to becoming a hero was learning to act selflessly, becoming less snarky and sarcastic as the book goes on, so seeing Percy always being a pillar of morally right decisions felt very one-dimensional.


That's why I think so many people (myself included) like the casino scene from the first movie, because it breaks up the seriousness of their mission and shows the characters just being "kids." The show definitely felt more serious overall.


I’m glad u noticed that too cause i even pointed out to my mom that i fully believe that Lermans percy would have been unimpressed and denied the quest to go sulk in his room and play video games, but i don’t believe walkers percy would turn down the quest


And this is because of the writing too not really the acting


Definitely agree we lost a lot of Percy's humor and that makes the tone feel a bit too serious compared to the books. I'm trying to pin that on the change from a first person story though. I've been doing a book re-read since the show started and I've noticed a lot of my favorite Percy quips are things he thinks to himself in the narrartion.

Olivia Kurima

Just remembered but they also released a documentary on DisneyPlus about the making of the first season which is a pretty good watch and you get to see like the making of the show. They also have a Lin segment!

Lexi Rosen

I think they absolutely nailed the story, I'm a big fan of lots of the changes and improvements from the books. I am so excited for future seasons. thanks for these tracks

Lexi Rosen

also about the books, percy jackson and the olympians series has five original books and then there was a direct sequel series called heroes of olympus that has five books. And now the new books that are coming out are being added to the percy jackson and the olympians series but they take place after the heroes of olympus series. its for sure confusing for people that havent like watched them come out and i don't know if i did a good job explaining and this is me leaving out all the other spinoff series in the same universe and crossovers and stuff that all came out in between and during that i'm not even sure how tied in they are because i havent really kept up. this man does not put down the pen like omg

Grace Elsie

So, I read the books as they came out as a kid. I was raised on them. Like my parents never read me Harry Potter, they read me Percy Jackson. But a lot of fans are super disappointed with the series. Personally, I think it’s perfect for being a tv show. As someone who saw the movies in theaters and hated every second, I found this to be a truly incredible adaptation. Like no joke, I started off college majoring in film because a part of me wanted to direct and produce actually accurate book to movie adaptations because of Percy Jackson. Unfortunately, a lot of people forget that the show IS an adaption, and things will have to be changed for screen no matter what. This show did a great job of including what needed to be included, and changing the things that will suit the storyline as it continues through the series. Were there some great book moments that went unused? Yes! Was i disappointed not to see them? 100 %! But a lot of people are letting these absences sully the series as a whole for them. The pacing is also very weird, but a kink that can and should be worked out through understanding of both critic and audience reception. At the moment, it is actually a major concern that the show will not be renewed because so many people, with no time on their hands, are blasting their grievances online about the show not being totally perfect. At this point it’s just tiring. Like watch the show and have fun doing it, this is easily the best screen adaptation we will ever get and take it as the awesome thing it is. I really hope it gets renewed, as the show will only grow and improve from season 1, it just needs a chance to continue. However, if it doesn’t get renewed, I think both of you would LOVE the books. The first three are very aimed towards middle school reading comprehension, so they go fast, but the last two are incredible, just edge of your seat character work and storytelling. And, y’all are so right. Rick Riordan pumps out books like nobodies business. After the Percy Jackson series, there is another five book series called the Heroes of Olympus. It follows seven main characters, Percy and Annabeth being two of them. It’s also a lot more adult since it is set immediately after the events of the first series and a majority of the characters are 17/18. Beyond even that, there is a sister series about a character named Magnus Chase, who is Annabeth’s cousin, and it is centered around Norse mythology. After Riordan finished the Magnus Chase series, he started the Trials of Apollo series, which is a further expansion of the universe (but giving any more details is a major spoiler). After that there is a new series following two characters y’all won’t meet til season 3. And THEN, finally, comes the new expansion of the original Percy Jackson story that y’all mentioned during the tracks. Rick pumps out like a book a year. The PJO series and expanded universe in total (at the moment) is 20 books, not to mention his other series that centers around Egyptian myth. All in all, i really hope y’all loved the show and will give the books a try!!! Sorry for the long comment but these tracks have been so amazing and are one of the only reasons I got through my thesis and senior winter midterms.

Grace Elsie

Realizing now that my autism may have possessed my body while writing this comment.

Grace Elsie

If you finish the Percy Jackson book series, and move onto the Heroes of Olympus, you get to see scenes of Percy turning HELLA dark. Like blood bending type shit. 10/10 would recommend.

Austin Goodwin

Gotta say in the beginning I was a little unsure of the direction of the series. But these last two episodes really hooked me. I mean, the underworld just looked fantastic and Luke’s revelation in the woods was pretty cool. The tone (while calm) is much closer to the books and a mile away from the absolute goofiness of the movies. The actors in the series are great and I can’t wait to see them grow with the show. As an original reader of the books, I am pretty pleased and excited for what’s to come!

Mel Sandoval

honestly as a person who read the books years ago and truly has no memories of all the little details that the serious book enjoyers complain about, i really enjoyed the show! its also making me want to read them again so i can have a bit more knowledge when watching future seasons. im glad you guys had fun watching these tracks were great!


i've loved percy jackson and the entire world rick riordan created since i was 12 years old; i'm 24 now. this was such a perfect adaptation to me, and i know my friends who have loved the books feel the exact same. the casting was PERFECT like truly felt like they were plucked right from the books, i think the writing was great and so faithful but still giving us diehards new things to love (a deeper look at sally's struggle as a single mother for example), and the production design just felt so perfect to what i imagined as a kid. genuinely have had SUCH a great time watching it and i'm glad you guys enjoyed it!


I think the tone is perfect, just fast enough for an action series aimed at kids, but somber and kind of subdued for those who are older and approach the stakes seriously. I will say there's less jokes and whimsy but I think that is fine.


After reading these books in middle school, and becoming such a big fan of the whole book franchise. This show was perfect. The changes made from the book I personally liked a lot! Ive seen an overall positive consensus from fans online.


Lance Reddick was such a phenomenal Zues :( I'm predicting they'll do something similar to Good Omens re: casting where immortal entities can change their bodies when they feel like it.

Olivia Kurima

And technically PJO and The Kane Chronicles also take place in the same universe!


I hope they up the lightheartedness in season 2. The books have their dark moments, but they're meant to be fun and adventurous. I watched the series with my sister and parents. We actually got a bit bored when characters needed to give exposition constantly. And many of the action sequences ended abruptly (probably budget reasons i think). More show, less tell was needed. Overall, extremely faithful to the books, but a bit too subdued. Rick Riordan's writing style may not have transferred perfectly into a TV show, but I think there's room for improvement in season 2. I'm also excited to see the kids grow into their roles and make the characters more engaging!


I think I’ve watched too many of these tracks w Micah cause i had a dream last night that i hooked up with Bono’s son and he had a piss kink and we found out we were step cousins and Micah was there sleeping on the couch in the other room


And then i asked Micah if he knew what ur next track together was and he went “yeah it’s-“ and then i woke up


I read the first three books while the series came out. It's a really great adaptation, and I recommend the books. The show seems to be trying to set a bit of a different tone; the books feel more whimsical, with more time to spend on fun/silly details, I kinda wanna see Grover eat a tin can. They're very quick reads too, all written in first person as percy, it's interesting how the structure of the book lends itself to an episodic format. That being said, I don't think alone in thinking Sea of Monsters was comparative ass, I almost hope they opt for a 90-minute special and sail right on through to the third book.

Rachel Nocera

Yess i dont want to spoil in the comments but when one of the guys said 'hades house' to refer to hades palace i immediately thought of house of hades lol

Rachel Nocera

I loved the finale reveal with luke, it was quite different in the book but this really showed lukes intentions. Theres defintitly some character defining quirks that were missed because of the budget, time, etc. But it still had the heart of the books.

Drew B

Fun fact!They actually were going to add Grover eating cans, they made some out of fondant then decided against it, partially cause the actor liked eating them too much lol


As someone who read the books as a kid (I'm 26 now), I think this series did a good enough job: like Eric said after the post-credits scene, it scratched the itch for me. I still think the books are better, and I accept that a 1-to-1 adaptation of any book is unrealistic. The change from the movies I liked the most: organically introducing Grover's dedication to finding Pan. In the Sea of Monsters Movie, Grover gets grabbed randomly (if I remember right) and taken to the cyclops. I'm hoping to start the next season in a more faithful way. My biggest nitpick was the dialogue: one of my fondest memories of the books was the humor that the author wrote in, it felt more relatable to American grade-school humor at the time, at least more so than Harry Potter or Twilight. There were a couple lines in the show that were reminiscent of it but not nearly enough. Probably would be hard since in the book a lot of jokes are in Percy's thoughts/narration. Loved these commentaries, and the movie commentaries as well! Thanks for sticking with it!

alieboo robinson

I love the show but my only nitpick is that they didn't mention that Luke's sword is made of both steel and celestial bronze so that it kills both humans and mythical creatures

alieboo robinson

oh and in the book the mom killed Gabe purposefully with Medusa's head then sold thr statue for pay for college!


i read the books as a kid but my memory is terrible so i basically forgot everything, but i did reread the lightning thief while this season was airing and i have to say, i love the show and i think in some ways they improved on what was in the book. though the pacing of the show is weird at times and they did a bit too much telling instead of showing, i generally did enjoy it. in fact, these commentary videos accompanied my third watch of the season and i know if i didn't like it i wouldn't be on watch #3 already lol. i think for s2 they need to imbue the show with a bit more fun and prolong the sense of mystery. they also need to get rid of those weird cuts to black. i would also like longer episodes, but i understand they're working with a young cast and s1 required a lot from them already. speaking of the cast, i really love walker and leah as percy and annabeth and after rereading the sea of monsters recently, i am sooo excited for s2 and the adventure these characters will have to embark on together.

Nemo Nase

Finally watched through all the PJ commentaries and it's been a blast. As someone who grew up with the books I loved the series. Some things are different but I think it does a good job of keeping the spirit of the books. I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the seasons are and who knows maybe they'll adapt more series from that universe. It'd be so cool to see a Heroes of Olympus show one day.