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Considered one of the greatest movie trilogies (and two more) of all time, Indiana Jones takes us along for the ride as Harrison Ford solves puzzles, avoids snakes, and maybe fucks his students? We're just reading between the lines, folks.

And of course if it has a theme park presence, you know I gotta watch with Zach!

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Fun fact: this movie is a prequel to Raiders in terms of timeline


The first movie that invented the PG-13 rating


Fun Fact: this movie was banned from India,the India government was offended by this movie,since Indians don’t eat bugs


Fun Fact: For the bug chamber sequence, Kate Capshaw was really covered with over two thousand insects. She took sedatives prior to the scene to get over her initial fear, and claimed "they definitely worked".


Fun Fact: Kate Capshaw was very critical of her own character, saying that Willie was "not much more than a dumb screaming blonde lol


Fun fact: Steven Spielberg said that he did not enjoy this film as much as the rest of the Indiana Jones films, but said that it was a great experience for him, because he met his future wife, Kate Capshaw, during the production of this film.


This is the Indy movie that I watch the most,it’s my fav one cuz of ma boi short round,and Indy kicks more ass than the first one


the new mario movie was great as both sonic and mario fan it satisfies the fans very well,the mario games have no story anyway,it’s just simple adventures with no deep meaning,miyamoto said the story doesn’t matter only gameplay


the new Mario movie made a billion dollars as the most successful video game movies ever,and Nintendo is close to seal the deal with illumination to make a Zelda movie

Lucas David

Probably one of the greatest movies of all time imo. And definitely one of the greatest sequels ever. My top 5 sequels are Empire Strikes Back, Rocky 2, Temple of Doom, Spider-Man 2, And Shrek 2. You can laugh at the last one, but Shrek 2 is hilarious.

Abby Mason

PMI Passion of the Christ commentary when