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Hey guys, the next Corporate Training scene is almost ready, just waiting for VO.

I promised to include previews in these posts and I decided to make a small point with this one. The video shows in realtime how much time it takes to render one frame.

Now to be fair the times differ based on the angle and what it shows, 4 minute is on the longer side for this project, I usually get between 2 and 4 minutes. You can see that most of the time is spent on Rebecca's hair.

So let's say 3 minutes. This scene alone had about 5400 frames, that's 16200 minutes, 270 hours or 11.25 days of uninterrupted rendertime.

And let me tell you, 3 minutes per frame is still absolutely blazing fast.

I am not entirely sure where I am going with this, just wanted to show one of the things that goes into these movies.



Well, it seems you do need a beefier PC for this :D

Andrew Rowe

Thanks for the update

Andrew Rowe

I fractured my spine @ T5-T6


Well, thats a looooooot of time!


Ah stop her whining and give me my Futa porn!!! 🤪


I feel like I am at a good number where it renders out as fast as I can animate it. I will probably upgrade when the next generation of nVidia cards comes out (rumored this year).