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Looks like it’s finally happened – our contestants and their serving sizes have gotten so big they’ve actually outgrown their team banners. No great loss, that just means more room to grow EVEN BIGGER from here on out! How long will it be until they outgrow their entire stage? Only time will tell...

As usual, each team will be keeping cumulative score of donation amounts and number of pancakes eaten. In order for a team to win, they must have the most amount of pancakes eaten OVERALL, not just for a single character (so if one character has nine plates with their teammates getting none, but the other team has ten plates overall split between them, the second team will win). Each stack of five delicious, buttery, syrupy pancakes costs $10USD/plate to distribute to the champion of your choice, so even one donation of $10 is enough to push your favoured team a little closer to victory!

If you would like to donate more to the event, please send the amount to this link with a note attached stating how much of it is going to which hero or heroes (AS FRIENDS/FAMILY, NOT GOODS, as PayPal now holds goods payments for up to a month):


The high-res versions of these images will be up for 48hrs before being released to dA, with the low-res versions up for the last 24hrs of that, to give you on Patreon one last chance to contribute to the growing bellies of the contenders before the stage opens up to donors on deviantArt.

As you all know, I had originally planned to release half-rounds of BOC in December, January, and February, but I ended up getting extremely sick over the holidays and was out of commission for a while into the new year. After that I had to dedicate time to catching up with everything I had fallen behind on, making me miss two months (December and January) I had originally planned to continue the BOC event during. Because of this, you all decided that you would rather pool all your accrued back-patronage into one big TRIPLE DECKER ROUND, where the participants in the BOC event would get the chance to be stuffed THREE TIMES as much as normal!

There was just one problem with this: even with the new round-ending amount for each team being $350, having three times the regular Patreon donations ended up deciding the round on Patreon alone without giving anyone on dA the chance to have a say in the final outcome of round five. With that in mind I figured, if contenders are getting three times the pancakes anyway, why not raise the round-ending amount as well, to give dA a chance to have a bit of a say in who gets stuffed to the gills and beyond in this round where participants can be stuffed up to THREE TIMES the normal amount?

If I reach this higher goal by the 15th of next month, I will post the end-of-round image next month as planned (likely mid- to late-month as usual) with the contenders stuffed to the appropriate amounts at round conclusion. If I don’t reach that amount by the 15th of next month, however, I’ll still post the final image as scheduled, but with the contenders only stuffed however much they ended up with by the 15th. Personally I would LOVE to see how big they could all get if given the chance in a single half-round, but I know a lot of people are eager to move on to aftermath stuffed images, potential bonus rounds, and next-round resultant weight gain. Either way the contestants are going to be huge, and possibly even huger by the end of their respective nights... who knows!

So - who's ready to rock, roll, and ravage some pancakes in the Overwatch donation drive BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS?


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