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Oh well... I found out I'm weak to gyarus now.  Marin might take a bit of working because the hair in the bigger version kinda looks a bit off. But I think it might do a cool picture.

And I've been watching the 0wl House for quite a while with my brother....golly got-damn, that show should be re-named just to "M1lfs". Haha...well, childish humor aside (or maybe not) here's also a bigger cookie because, why not?


I look forward to te-take some of the old drawings and improving them, is just that nowadays I cannot draw regularly and I find a bit more appealing to try something "new" than keeping up with something old.
So I do need to commit to finish things, whether sketches or full drawings, as a general rule when drawing...A discord group could be cool for these micro-updates. But we'll see! 

And thank you again! ^^



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