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The drawing of Mako's mom is going to be postponed for the next month. The drawing of Nana was scrapped.

I look forward to update Tier 2 again before the end of this month. To keep things more consistent I'll only upload drawings that are some sort of nsfw variant. There are no intentions into monetizing eveyrthing, is just that I feel like I had to prioretize Patreon. This seems to have backfired once again because now I notice that I really know very little... and the OC stuff is almost always SFW so these may work better for main site unless there's variants (Tier 1 will still include variants of finished work)

So the next month I'll start polls for Tier 2. So I'll make a text post at the start of the month so you can write any suggestion of which characters should be drawn. I believe this can work better because pretty much I had no direction on things, other than this site needed extra content that wouldn't be posted on other sites.


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