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Next ep will be slightly late, cause we got some IRL stuff to take care of this weekend. Nothing super huge, just didnt have time to get ahead unfortunately. We'll get everything back on schedule by Monday at the latest!


Wyse Ebbah

Nami's combat scenes will never be fixed, I'm sorry. They are each equally as annoying than the last. Her group fights are better though, cuz then it's not just running around and memes


Thanks for the episode! (I'm watching them a few days later) Something I noticed when I rewatched it with you (i heard the whole discussion but I don't remember whether you've mentioned it), but Nami stabbing her foot to block Miss DoubleFinger then making her spin with her tornado attack reminded me of Naruto blocking Kabuto's kunai with his own hand before using his first "completed" Rasengan on him, making Kabuto spin as well.


I think getting the weapon like that was a bit abrupt. Like you said, I'd have liked it to have been a combined effort between her and Usopp. I don't see anything wrong with the way she uses the weapon itself. It is her knowledge that makes it work aside from the final tornado tempo with the bird thing, which is a bit bs. But everything with the cool, heat and electric ball, is great imo. The fight itself would've been fine with better pacing and cutting out most of the gags.