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One Piece 64&65

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desolate leng

Right, so every time the anime goes out of its way to say they're not drinking alcohol? They're absolutely drinking alcohol. The anime does this bit of censorship in the beginning, but I think it stops right around this or the next arc. There is literally nothing that I can say about any of your comments right now, lol. I'm really excited to see how you'll enjoy the coming arcs!


If you can please react to jangos dance carnival it's an old official one piece short it's so good 😁

klairvoyance (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 21:31:16 yeah I think that was a promotional short that was released for the 2nd or 3rd One Piece movie...I think they said they might watch them for Patreon, though idk if it was relating to all 15 of em or rather the few (semi-)canon ones: 10, 12-15 (that Oda co-wrote). The 6th movie is not canon, but surely the most controversial one lmao I have seen many either hate or love it and I wonder how they'd take it
2023-12-14 06:21:56 yeah I think that was a promotional short that was released for the 2nd or 3rd One Piece movie...I think they said they might watch them for Patreon, though idk if it was relating to all 15 of em or rather the few (semi-)canon ones: 10, 12-15 (that Oda co-wrote). The 6th movie is not canon, but surely the most controversial one lmao I have seen many either hate or love it and I wonder how they'd take it

yeah I think that was a promotional short that was released for the 2nd or 3rd One Piece movie...I think they said they might watch them for Patreon, though idk if it was relating to all 15 of em or rather the few (semi-)canon ones: 10, 12-15 (that Oda co-wrote). The 6th movie is not canon, but surely the most controversial one lmao I have seen many either hate or love it and I wonder how they'd take it