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BOLDcast One Piece ep 195 UNCUT REACTION!


Adam Vialpando

I think too many people in recent make a big deal out of filler. We complain about it now and talk about how shows should just get right into the main story, but as a kid watching these types of shows I almost always enjoyed the fillers. Sure I could tell that they were relatively unimportant but damnit I was still entertained. And that is what these shows are meant to do, entertain us. I like the slice of life stories between arcs. I like just seeing the straw hats goof around with some random fireworks merchant. Or having Naruto save some random ass village with a cool new jutsu. I even liked the Bount Arc in Bleach and I will not apologize for that.

ivan reyes

I hope they skip the Long Ring Long filler cause I couldn't stand it when I saw it. Can't believe its already 200 ep. Can't wait for them to see Wano were the animation is top tier and a lot of questions get answered.