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BOLDcast One Piece ep 179 UNCUT REACTION!


Jeremy Gullion

Baratie, Arlong Park, Lougetown, Reverse Mountain, Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, Drum Island, Alabasta & Jaya are all fantastic to fun arcs. Skypiea while fun and has it's monents is a step down I feel because of it's length. If it was condensed it would be much more enjoyable. You're getting close to the end, the next backstory in the arc really lends emotional weight to it's climax. If you weren't planning on it G8 in the anime is next, while a filler it is very good. The series takes off on a rocket ship after that, with some of the best b2b2b2b2b2b in all of manga/anime.


that "he is probably alive" hit so hard hahahaha