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Oh man, this one was a doozy. Still have to work on some of the variations and...messier details, but it's pretty much done! There will be variations and wips galore. Had fun, and thanks for everyone who tuned in to the streams!

With this marks the end of the September 2016 term! Now to finish the variations and save everything, work on the polls for next month (which should go up later today or tomorrow), and work on some Birdflash goodness.




I like the feet!


The stream was great!

8 Cats and a Bagel

Will I get the rewards if i pledge now? I'm honestly never sure when i start a new one late in the term.


Yeah! You have until the end of the month. IIRC pledges go through on the 1st of every month, so as long as you get in before then you're golden!


WOW amazing work


This has been my otp since I was five. It's so rare to find art of them. Thank you Blud