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Here's the link for the purchase link for anyone who would like to get the Term 53 Rewards but weren't pledged in April. My Nightwing Zine picture (updated + variations), Kaminari, Kazuha/Toma, and Gorou (sfw)

These are the same price as a normal Patreon tier. There are 2 variations, eggplant ($5) and sausage ($10) that correspond to the normal rewards on the sidebar.

I'll keep the link up for a week, until Saturday 11/13 around noon, and they will go on my Gumroad at the standard Gumroad prices ($5ish per set) at a later date.





I know this might be alot to ask but I was wondering if you could hold it off for a bit longer than the 13th? Just by a few more days?


I may if I remember, but if you're waiting on a paycheck or something like that just send me a DM if the link goes down and I can still give it to you np!