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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who's celebrating it, and just thanks for everything to everyone else! I'm extremely thankful for you guys, I love posting stuff and seeing your comments and everything it really means a lot to me. This year's been the worst, not only out in the real world but also just all the delays and everything in here, so thanks again for sticking around! 

Working to get caught up on everything soon (I wish all these characters' clothes weren't so damn complicated). Hope you all are eating well and staying safe! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



Happy thanksgiving 🥰 thankful for your beautiful artwork ❤️❤️


We love you Blud! Keep up the amazing work!!


Thank you for all the hard work Blud. Hope you finish catching up soon so you can take it easy for a bit. Wish you luck, hope 2021 is better.


Happy Thanksgiving Blud and thank you for the hard work of yours! 😘 Hope the next year will be better and you can take it easy a bit. 🦊


You're amazing Blud! Have a great holiday!


happy thanksgiving, and don’t overwork yourself! stay safe and stay healthy 🖤


Happy thanksgiving to you too! Treat yourself well!


I can’t speak for everyone but I’m going to say this year and 2019 has been the worst year for everyone . I hope 2021 will be better. P.s. love your art your my favorite adult artist! Keep up the amazingly arousing art!