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Unfortunately it's come to this again. Didn't use September or October nearly as efficiently as I wanted, and for my own sake I just need to catch up on everything. I hope to be able to use November to catch up on everything, hopefully I can do it this time. 

I'll still be posting, but to backfill past rewards that I wasn't able to complete as of now. As usual I'll be offering late rewards on Gumroad to anyone who wants.



I think u can take the rest of the yr. off 2 finish stuff & be relaxed 4 the new yr.... we appreciate ur hard work through everything.


Yeah, your best art is when you're enjoying, not rushing, and that comes through what we see. I'll be happy to wait to when you have your chance to do it without 1000 other things making you feel behind.


No worries, take all the time you need


Take your time! I can't speak for everybody, but I think I'd rather see art that you enjoyed making and put time into because you wanted to instead of trying to pump something out to get it out anyway!