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Hi all, just wanna make a post so you aren't wondering where the rest of the pics are. Kinda ran out of time with other important stuff I had to do + too much fire emblem in the beginning of the month and also I could have sworn I had 31 days to finish everything lol....

But don't worry, Danny will be done hopefully today and if not, by tomorrow, and the Haikyuu threesome pic (while not finished rn) will be included in the rewards all hot and sweaty as usual!

If you are currently a patron you'll get the Bakusquad picture, Sylvain/Felix, Danny, and the Haikyuu threesome!



Dude, dw nwn happens to the best of us :3 take your time and regain the pace :D we'll be waiting, don't stress yourself out


Haikyu! Great! With Kenma! Even better! :D