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Just improving Ben's ball handling...

This is the last March reward! Sorry about the delay, this will be included with Mako, Bolin and Link.

Uncensored version available now for the Ice Cream tier patrons. But all versions will be included in the rewards for +$5 patrons!   

Also, rewards will be finished and sent out in the next couple days! AND I will be sending out the new April poll message to the $20 patrons in the next hour or so if you want to see the full Ben/Rex picture now and get your own pick for the April picture poll!




March just keeps on giving 🤤


God I love this pairing so much. I've been silently hoping/praying to see it in your style for so long.


Yay Rex! Haven't seen him in a while.


Ahhh a wish came true😍😍