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Hey hey! So recently i've been experimenting with a new style for my pieces as you can all see by the recent posts, going for a more cell shaded style while still combining some brush work from my older paint style.

I feel now that i've done enough pieces/comics for you all to get a good idea of how this style looks and i've been wondering how you all feel about it, so please vote on your thoughts on the new direction of recent posts. My goal is to keep you all happy with what i make so knowing what is the general opinion on polls like this help me know where to steer things if there needs to be changes and such!



I love both styles. I'm fine with whichever you choose to use. Pick what you think you're the best at (and maybe what doesn't take as long, I like getting pieces each week.) You draw some great pamps, Dork!


it's hard to say, the new style looks a little cleaner, but it also looks a little less unique than your old style, and i think diversity in art styles is good for the community :) ultimately i would say do the one that you find easier or more fun bc you're awesome either way!