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TLDR: next page of the comic will be delayed till the end of next week but that will not affect the dork comic, they should both be posted around the same time.

So usually today or tomorrow i would of been posting the new comic page of our diaper loving fox's adventures. Sadly it may be a bit delayed till next weekend...

Basically i'll be out of town for a handful of days next week and without access to my computer. I tried to work on the comic and the dork comic at the same time this week to have one ready before i left and the other nearly done, so i could finish and post it once i was back. Sadly silly me didn't plan this out too well and now i have two projects that are nearly done but not ready to post which just means that instead of a comic page this week and the dork comic the next one it will just mean that the dork comic and the comic page will be release by the end of next week around the same time. I hope this isn't too much of  a bummer for anyone, I'm still promising that both pieces will still be posted before the end of the month. I hate being so disorganized lately but lots of good life changing events are happening and it has thrown a bit of my work schedule off balance. Things should be back to normal soon, i'm just a little dork with a paint brush trying my best.

Thank you once again for your love, support and patience.

(This won't affect next week's dorkiest dork poll) 



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