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Hey hey writing this from my phone with data atm. Power went out tonight in my town and depending on when it comes back and specially if i lost my work progress, if i forgot to save, the patreon pic might be delayed more. Sorry, i tried to get it done before the end of the month but this is out of my control. if the worst ends up happening and i lose the progress i made today, i’ll try to update y’all with a sneak peek of it to not make y’all wait too long whenever i can! I once again appreciate everyone’s support and understanding.



Sounds like it's out of your paws, never mind waiting for the awesomeness


Life be like that sometimes. I'll still be here when it's ready.


maybe its a sign you need a break :p. But you're art is well worth the wait ^^


'Sall good!!


as long as you are okay, hope everything gers fixed soon