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Hi guys! Have some doodles I've done here and there.

1. Toki from Deathklok!!

2 & 3. More Stardew Valley shenanigans with Gears. We made an Adrian character in the game just to take his cabin, then bought a chicken to name Adrian, then subsequently joked about how we sacrificed Adrian to turn him into a chicken 

4. Note to self

5. It me

NOW FOR THE APOLOGY. There is some stuff going on in my life that I am not ready to talk about yet, but it has completely upended everything and I am still putting the pieces back together. I am so sorry for any delay in art and comic pages that this will cause. I will do my best to deliver everything in a reasonable time. Ultimately this is a good thing for me and I'm happier already. 

But there are things like paperwork and appointments that I have to get sorted out, so my deepest apologies to all of you wonderful Patrons! 

Thank you all so much for your bright comments and/or continued support <3 I love sharing my work with you all UwU




Take care of yourself first!! Hoping it gets better for you soon!🦊❤️


Absolutely wishing you the best in whatever struggles you're facing. You're so sweet and kind, hope everything improves for you soon.