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Hey guys! Here we have the start of a comic I've been working on for The Cushy Pen. I can only upload pages a year after I've posted them to TCP, so I'll be doing that every month from now on, available for every tier and the public as well ^_^

Synopsis: Beverly has an important family meeting to attend to one weekend, so she leaves her boyfriend, Sina, with their trusted friend, Kail, to watch over him while she's away. Saddened to be away from his Mommy, Sina turns to what he does best-- being a big baby. Reinforcements might be needed...

Team Babysitters will contain: AB/DL, diaper wetting & messing, pee stuff, m/m sex, m/m/m/m sex, Sportball Bros, and wholesome, communicative friendships~

Hope you guys end up enjoying this story as much as I enjoy working on it~ <3

BTW, stay tuned because Little Acres is having a Steamy Double Update next week!




Love reading this comic and always enjoy your updates on CushyPen


I love every conceivable part of this


Do you have a idea of how many pages this comic will be?