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Nier won this months poll and I liked the thought of drawing A2 with both short hair and long hair! I don't ever see her drawn in short hair so I wanted to do both.

I haven't played the game before but many friends say it's ome of their favorites so I'm thinking about trying it once I have time! There will be a alternate version of these btw *coughs in r18*

Also apologies for the lack of art this month, I'm waiting on the tablet to arrive and finally got an uodate that it's fixed and has shipped. I'm hoping to get it on monday as long as there are no shipping delays!




*cough in R18* She looks amazing in both versions but I gotta admit I prefer the Long Hair version a lil bit more ;) I also hope that your tablet will come home on Monday, it would be amazing ;-;


Short hair are nice but I really like it when a girl has long hair; there are so many ways you could style long hair. I'm excited for the alternate version *coughs in r18*. I love classy nudity as much as lewd ones. You should really try NieR: Automata. It's more than just a game; it's a work of art. So much human philosophy was poured into that masterpiece. In order to get the real Ending (Ending E) first you need to finish ending A (2B's side), Ending B (9S' side), Ending C (A2's side) and Ending D. Ending F to Z are optional, some of them are joke endings. The game can be dark, bleak, depressing and nihilistic most of the time, but the journey and conclusion of the story are so worth the time and effort you put in game.


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧R18✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)


Ahh!! I love it!!